Undergoing Rhinoplasty In Los Angeles Can Be Your Best Option

Undergoing rhinoplasty in Los Angeles can be your best option



Thanks to the mammoth growth of technology in recent eras, nowadays everything seems possible as far as giving any touch to your looks is concerned. As one of the most common procedures out there in the world of medical health treatments today, rhinoplasty aka nose job has become very important and a huge number of people all over have started opting for this particular type of surgery. There is no doubt that in current times, the trend of facial makeover has got new meanings thanks to the boost of rhinoplasty. The techniques used during a rhinoplasty are based on superior technology and as a consequence, there is less time spent in improving post surgery.

Considering the fact that rhinoplasty is a critical surgical procedure, understanding the detail of the treatment is an essential part of feeling confident in the results. For example the surgical technique of a closed rhinoplasty differs from the one used for an open rhinoplasty. For an open rhinoplasty, the cartilage is spread open in its entirety, giving surgeons more space for working. An open rhinoplasty is also superior in terms of the kind of change that can be done to the tip of the nose, as well as to the hump of the nose. There are many such things that must be taken into consideration before you opt for any rhinoplasty in Los Angeles. Of course, those who are considering a rhinoplasty may not know all these medical aspects but that s why you need a good doctor to take care of the whole thing. An accomplished surgeon will be certain that the proper precautions are taken in all different steps of the rhinoplasty, and full sedation is used to ensure that patients will be comfortable for the duration of the entire procedure.

As here we are emphasizing on Los Angeles cosmetic surgery scenario here, there is no doubt that this is one of the best places where you can come for a safe and most effective surgery. No matter what your need is, doctors here are all willing to help you. Los Angeles is a city full of both sides of the coin, but predominately Los Angeles has a very high cost of living and therefore the medical treatments can often be very expensive. However if you are willing to pay then you can get anything here! People from different parts of the globe not only come to Los Angeles but even Beverly Hills plastic surgery has been quite popular. Rhinoplasty in Los Angeles has become so very popular because the surgeons here offer the best equipment, the best qualifications, and the most procedures to the masses in order to make money and help make others stay beautiful. Some of the unique benefits of medical treatments in Los Angeles are:


Los Angeles cosmetic surgery has many top notch procedures for their customers.

These facilities a procedure for making your breast smaller or making them bigger. Most usually the procedure is for breast augmentation where there is little scaring left.

If you want your chin or forehead worked on, these Los Angeles surgery clinics will also perform lifts on these areas of your head.

If you want to look younger, try the laser cosmetic surgery offered by the Los Angeles cosmetic surgery clinics.

Enhance your beauty by

rhinoplasty in los angeles


Beverly hills plastic surgery

is also done by doctors of Ordon Chopra Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Article Source:


Riots in Île-de-France : 70 arrested after 200 cars burned

Friday, July 15, 2005

About 200 cars were burned by young people on the night of July 13 in Île-de-France, the metropolitan area of Paris. As the police cars arrived, youths began to pelt the vehicles with rocks, firecrackers and bottles. Rioters broke store windows at Argenteuil. Police used flash-balls and smoke grenades. The riots ended with 70 men being arrested. A police officer was wounded by a rocket and was taken to hospital. Shop windows were broken at Argenteuil. It is not the first time vehicles have been attacked on 13-14 July in France.

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Latest trial of the One Laptop Per Child running in India; Uruguay orders 100,000 machines

Thursday, November 8, 2007

India is the latest of the countries where the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) experiment has started. Children from the village of Khairat were given the opportunity to learn how to use the XO laptop. During the last year XO was distributed to children from Arahuay in Peru, Ban Samkha in Thailand, Cardal in Uruguay and Galadima in Nigeria. The OLPC team are, in their reports on the startup of the trials, delighted with how the laptop has improved access to information and ability to carry out educational activities. Thailand’s The Nation has praised the project, describing the children as “enthusiastic” and keen to attend school with their laptops.

Recent good news for the project sees Uruguay having ordered 100,000 of the machines which are to be given to children aged six to twelve. Should all go according to plan a further 300,000 machines will be purchased by 2009 to give one to every child in the country. As the first to order, Uruguay chose the OLPC XO laptop over its rival from Intel, the Classmate PC. In parallel with the delivery of the laptops network connectivity will be provided to schools involved in the project.

The remainder of this article is based on Carla G. Munroy’s Khairat Chronicle, which is available from the OLPC Wiki. Additional sources are listed at the end.

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Want To Keep Your Immune System Healthy Keep Your Teeth Clean

Respiratory infections can be caught at any time of the year. The standard advice for the prevention of these sicknesses is to wash your hands and keep your immune system healthy by eating properly and exercising regularly. Washing your hands is one way of keeping the hundreds of different bacteria and viruses from getting into your system. Individuals with lower immune systems are more susceptible to infections, since your immune system helps to defend the body, if and when a virus slips in.

In addition to the standard advice, a less publicized approach to healthy living and avoiding a respiratory infection is to keep your teeth clean. Here’s why:

1. There are 400-500 species of bacteria that live in your mouth. Viruses can use bacteria as “factories” to grow and multiply. If a virus makes its way into your mouth (usually from touching your hands to your mouth or biting your nails), the fewer bacteria in your mouth, the less likely the virus will grow.

2. Periodontal disease is caused by plaque producing bacteria. The body in defense of the periodontal disease releases cytokines. These cytokines trigger your blood-making organs to constantly fight or defend themselves, thus weakening the body’s immune system to fight other infections.


3. Periodontal disease is a potential contributing factor for respiratory diseases, according to the American Academy of Periodontology.

The bacteria that cause periodontal disease and are taxing your immune system are breeding right now in the perfect environment of your mouth. They love the cozy, moist, dark, warm and acidic ecosystem, which is constantly being fed by carbohydrates. The areas between the teeth are particularly good breeding grounds because the damaging bacteria thrive in the absence of oxygen. The bacteria grow rapidly – actually doubling their count every hour. There are more bacteria in your mouth than people on the planet Earth. The excrement or bi-product of the bacteria is what forms the sticky film that is a constant challenge to remove and what is called plaque.

Symptoms of periodontal infection are often not noticeable until the disease is advanced. Some of the symptoms include: bad breath that will not go away, red or swollen gums, tender or bleeding gums, loose teeth, or sensitive teeth. A dentist can diagnose the disease in the early stages, prior to individuals realizing they have it. Because 85% of the population have some degree of periodontal disease, it is extremely important to get regular dental check ups. Professional cleanings at a dental office are recommended every six months. Periodontal disease is the most widespread disease on earth.

Visiting a dentist is only one half of the prevention equation. Daily home care is as important. Periodontal disease is prevented by thoroughly cleaning your teeth, requiring the removal of the resilient bacteria. A toothbrush does a good job in removing the bacteria from the high spots, but unfortunately, not in between teeth. In addition, most conscientious individuals who try to do a “better” job at cleaning their teeth, end up with toothbrush abrasion. This ridge between the tooth and gum line expose the root. The area then is sensitive to hot, cold, sweets and acids, and requires composites that must be repeatedly replaced.

Flossing is important both in the prevention and the control of periodontal disease according to the American Dental Association (ADA). Because it is a laborious task to floss, most people don’t. The ADA reported that only about 5% of the population actually flosses. In addition, only 18 – 35% of the plaque between teeth is removed when one does floss, according to The Journal of Clinical Periodontology. Flossing can also move the contagious periodontal disease from an infected site to an uninfected site. Although oral irrigators are meant to replace flossing, they can’t cut through plaque’s sticky biofilm since they only use water.

Once afflicted, patients with periodontal disease control it by a disciplined and meticulous oral cleaning regimen, both at the dental office and at home. Professional treatment may require below the gum line scraping, three-month check ups instead of the traditional six-month, and a prescription oral rinse.

Oral health is critical to total health. There is evidence that point to a link between periodontal disease and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), among which is emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Sixteen million Americans suffer from COPD and it is the 6th leading cause of mortality in the US. Studies published in the Journal of Periodontology found that patients with periodontal disease have a 1.5x greater risk of COPD.

The American Academy of Periodontology reported that, “Bacteria that grow in the oral cavity can be aspirated into the lung to cause respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, especially in people with periodontal disease.” The bacteria that are multiplying in the mouth are not only being used as factories for the viruses but are also being breathed into the susceptible lungs.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services suggests that there are over 1 billion respiratory infections each year in the US. Avoid illness – wash your hands, keep them out of your mouth, eat healthy, exercise AND clean your teeth.

Article Source: sooperarticles.com/health-fitness-articles/dental-care-articles/want-keep-your-immune-system-healthy-keep-your-teeth-clean-14526.html

About Author:

P., Piero DDS a practicing dentist and inventor of Dental Air Force® dentalairforce.com and “Baci The Dental Dog”.Author: P Piero

Triple limb-reattachment fails – boy loses foot

Tuesday, April 5, 2005Terry Vo, the 10-year old Australian boy who had two hands and a foot reattached by surgeons after losing them in an accident, has had to have the foot re-amputated. He will be given a prosthetic foot in its place.

The operation to re-attach three limbs was thought to have been a first – but was ultimately unsuccessful, with the foot having died inside, and receiving insufficient blood supply following the surgery to reattach it.

“That would lead to the small muscles in the foot actually constricting, the toes bending over and a deformed …. foot that is sort of clawed over and doesn’t have good sensation,” said plastic surgeon, Mr Robert Love today, on Australia’s ABC Radio.

“Even if you can get all of that to survive, he [would be] worse off than having had an amputation.”

“What is very disappointing is that for the first two days after [the operation] the foot looked absolutely magnificent,” he said.

Terry’s hands were healing well, said the surgeon. The prosthetic foot would allow him to walk normally, since his knee was intact.

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Blow out sales prices likely on mattresses as new U.S. fire-resistant standards take effect

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

If you are in the market for new bedding, and not too concerned with the new United States guidelines for mattress fire resistance, now might be a good time to buy. Mattresses sold in the U.S. must meet new federal guidelines for flammability starting on July 1.

The peak heat release rate is limited to 200 kW during a 30 minute test. The total heat release is limited to 15 MJ within the first 10 minutes.”

The flammability of mattress sets sold in the U.S. is subject to a new mandatory federal regulation requirement passed by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) on February 16 last year. The requirement, costing mattress manufacturers an estimated $100 million to meet, is scheduled to take effect on July 1. The commission anticipates that the new standards will save 270 lives and 1,330 injuries per year from mattress fires.

“We’ve passed a new open flame regulation and the whole idea behind the regulation is to make sure that if a mattress catches on fire that the fire burns slowly enough that people have enough time to get out of the house and get away,” said Hal Stratton, chairman of the CPSC

Radio and TV advertising spots are reacting to the new regulation by discounting prices on mattresses that fail to meet the new guidelines. Sales made in the mattress industry, like the automobile industry, are highly negotiable on price. The new regulation does not appear to have much “teeth” for mattresses already in the distribution pipeline, but it is a new law that is a bargaining position for potential buyers.

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Expand Your Contracting Services To Include Affordable Built In Options

byAlma Abell

If you are looking for an option to expand your contracting business providing a customized built-in service for your clients offers them remodel options they might not otherwise have considered. The custom cabinetry Ontario contractors offer can go beyond the basics for kitchen and bathroom remodels and be expanded to create stunning, showcase pieces. These pieces can completely change a space, as well as offer a unique way to make a room more functional.

Built In Offices

Most homeowners today are looking for ways to incorporate a home office. The home office is becoming more in demand due to more people working from home. As well, families require a space for a computer for homework, banking, paying bills and of course for entertainment purposes. Built-in office areas offer affordable options allowing people to make the most of unsuspecting spaces including areas under the stairs, tiny nooks and even repurposed closets. Having a creative service that focuses on built-in offices can expand your business as well as offer you a new way to use your design skills to optimize space for smaller homes.

Built In Display Cases

The charm found in older homes often includes charming details such as built in display cases. Complete with glass doors, these elegant additions can add a touch of architectural detail that is rare in modern homes. These types of features work well in dining rooms, libraries, dens and kitchens and provide an additional storage or display area for homeowners as well.

Built-In Side Boards

The dining room has become a very central location and the heart of entertaining for many families. The formal dining room had been phased out especially with the introduction of more open concept layouts. However, even in open concept spaces the addition of a built-in sideboard can help define a dining area while providing much-needed storage space. Drawer and cabinet door combinations for integrated sideboards offer a permanent design detail that can also increase the value of an everyday cookie cutter style home.

Built In Vanities

The bathroom is a room always in need of more storage. Custom cabinetry Ontario homeowners install in their bathrooms provides a substantial decorative detail while offering the additional storage space demanded by the modern family.

Let’s not forget the obvious: Home theatres. From offices to sideboards and built-in vanities to display cases, the built-in is the perfect addition to your contracting business.

If you are looking for the custom cabinetry Ontario homeowners are seeking, Lovech Ltd. has the expertise and design options you need. Contact www.lovech.ca for information.

Celebrities contribute to Katrina relief

Published:Wednesday, September 7, 2005Updated:Saturday, September 10, 2005 (Travolta, Preston, Moore, Stones, Three Doors Down, Johnson, Smith)

After Hurricane Katrina passed across the United States, various artists and media stars have leapt at a call to action.

John Travolta and wife Kelly Preston flew his private plane to deliver a load of supplies and tetanus vaccine to Baton Rouge and New Orleans. Part of a Scientology project which has been using their non-massage “assists”, in an interview Preston mentioned that “auditing” had also been performed on victims.

Kevin Smith is holding an online auction on his Web site.

Sean Penn actually went to Louisiana. After loading down a small boat with his entourage, it was discovered one of them had neglected to seal a hole in the bottom. Penn was wearing a white vest rather than a life vest while bailing. After the motor wouldn’t start, the crew paddled down a flooded New Orleans street. Bystanders jeered at whether any victims could fit aboard the crowded craft. No report on rescue stunts. Local authorities had previously been criticized for not allowing volunteer boaters in to help.

Morgan Freeman, whose home fared well, is organizing an online auction of celebrity items at charityfolks.com, to benefit the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.

Curt Schilling opened his home to a family of nine driven out of their New Orleans home. The Schilling family will provide housing for the Fields for a year while their home in New Orleans is rebuilt and repaired.

Some celebrities “graced” disaster zones with their presence in the days following Katrina.

Singer Macy Gray and television personality Phil McGraw visited Houston’s Astrodome.

Celebrities visiting New Orleans include Michael Moore (opposite side of lake), singer Harry Connick, Jr., CNN’s Anderson Cooper, actor Jamie Foxx, singer Faith Hill, actor Matthew McConaughey, singer Lisa Marie Presley, comedian Chris Rock, and The Oprah Winfrey Show contributor Lisa Ling and interior decorator Nate Berkus.

Oprah Winfrey visited New Orleans, Houston, and Mississippi.

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Celebrities_contribute_to_Katrina_relief&oldid=4577607”

US major general killed, 15 others wounded in insider attack in Afghanistan

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

United States Army Major General Harold J. Greene was killed yesterday afternoon in an apparent insider or ‘green on blue’ attack at the Marshal Fahim National Defense University on the outskirts of Kabul, Afghanistan. His death marks the first death of a United States general since the September 11th attacks and the first on foreign soil since the Vietnam War. Along with the death of Major General Greene, fifteen others were wounded in the attack including a German brigadier general, eight US soldiers, a number of British soldiers, and three Afghan soldiers.

The attack started during a routine visit, when an individual, reportedly an Afghan National Army soldier, opened fire with a light assault rifle from inside a building, 100 yards (90 meters) away from where Greene and others were standing. Soldiers fired back and killed the attacker. The Pentagon Press Secretary, US Navy Rear Admiral John Kirby, said, “There are a number of casualties as a result of the shooting, perhaps up to 15, to include some Americans”. Kirby added, “Many were seriously wounded. Others received only minor injuries. The assailant was killed.”

An Afghan Defense Ministry spokesperson, General Mohammad Zahir Azimi, said the attacker was a “terrorist dressed in an Afghan army uniform.” The Taliban acknowledged the attack and praised it, but did not claim responsibility for it.

Greene was serving as deputy commanding general of the Combined Security Transition Command – Afghanistan at the time of his death. He was previously Deputy for Acquisition and Systems Management in the office of the United States Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology. Greene joined the Army as an officer in 1980 after graduating from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

In a statement Army Chief of Staff General Ray Odierno gave his condolences, saying, “Our thoughts and prayers are with Maj. Gen. Harold J. Greene’s family, and the families of our soldiers who were injured today in the tragic events that took place in Afghanistan. These soldiers were professionals, committed to the mission. It is their service and sacrifice that define us as an Army.”

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Britney Spears announces she is pregnant

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Following weeks of speculation in some media quarters, it has been announced that Britney Spears, 23, is pregnant. In a posting on her Web site, Spears announced that she and husband, Kevin Federline, 27, were expecting their first child together. Her publicist, Sonia Muckle, confirmed the singer’s pregnancy Tuesday but gave no further information.

“The time has finally come to share our wonderful news that we are expecting our first child together. There are reports that I was in the hospital this weekend,” read a statement allegedly written by Spears.

Federline has two children with his ex-girlfriend, actress Shar Jackson. He met Spears last year when he was a backup dancer on her tour and his girlfriend was pregnant with their son.

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