The Aspiring Owner’s Guide To Canine Adoption

Submitted by: Lawrence J. Reaves

Your decision to adopt a dog will impact your life for many years. You’ll enjoy the companionship and unwavering devotion of a new friend. You’ll also be responsible for providing for his needs, including food, exercise, grooming, dental care, and regular trips to a veterinarian. For these reasons, it’s important to ask yourself if you’re truly ready to adopt a canine. Do you have the time, budget, and space to accommodate him? If so, you can expect to enjoy a deeply gratifying friendship with your new companion.

In this article, we’ll present an overview of canine adoption that takes you through the steps involved. You’ll learn about choosing the right breed, where to look, and deciding on a suitable match. We’ll also explain how to start your new friendship on the right foot.

Choosing A Breed That Matches Your Life

Many people prefer to adopt a purebred. To that end, each breed poses its own advantages and drawbacks depending on your lifestyle. It’s important to research specific breed characteristics so you’ll know in advance which are less than ideal. For example, some breeds are phenomenally energetic. If you enjoy jogging or bicycling, an energetic dog may be a good companion. On the other hand, if you live in a relatively small space (e.g. apartment), or are confined to your home, such dogs are inappropriate.


If you’re open to adopting a “mixed breed” (or mutt), your options will increase substantially. Mutts may be unable to offer the traceable lineage or breed-specific traits a purebred can, but they also tend to be free of many hereditary problems. To be sure, a mutt can still suffer from specific hereditary health issues, but the list of such problems tends to be shorter.

Searching The Shelters

Animal shelters are among the best places to look for a dog. Many of the animals in these facilities have been abandoned by owners who moved, grew too old, or lacked the funds to properly care for them. Those canines who have lived with owners in the past are usually housetrained, and often have received professional obedience training. Also, keep in mind that dogs for which a home cannot be found are euthanized. Thus, adopting a shelter dog literally means saving his life.

As a side note, be wary of buying a canine from a pet store. One problem with such places is that many of the dogs are pulled from puppy mills. They often have health problems and psychological issues that may only become clear later.

Finding A Suitable Match

Avoid the temptation to choose the first canine that captures your attention. You’ll be spending over a decade with your new companion, so it’s worth investing time upfront to make sure you choose wisely. The dog you select should fit the criteria you established earlier; its breed, size, activity level, and age should conform to the archetype in your head. If you stumble upon one that seems to pose an ideal match, come back the next day. That will give you enough time to be sure you’re making the right decision.

Adopting Your New Canine Companion

After selecting your new dog, you’ll need to sign a few papers to formally document the adoption. Next, the shelter will require a fee that pays for spaying or neutering, vaccinations, and any related expenses. They’ll inform you of any known health problems as well as medications the canine must take. But it’s important to have a veterinarian perform a thorough examination to make sure small problems are identified and addressed.

Prior to bringing your new companion home, purchase a dog bed, food and water bowls, a few toys, and a crate. You’ll also need to buy a leash and collar, grooming supplies, and food (including treats). These items will help your new canine companion feel welcome and comfortable in his new home, providing a perfect start to a lifelong friendship.

About the Author: For all your dog food and treats needs check out


Addiction Dog Food

from the leader in low cost pet supplies.


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Yemeni journalist Nabil Hasan al-Quaety shot dead in Aden

Friday, June 5, 2020

Nabil Hasan al-Quaety, a photo- and videojournalist from Yemen, died in the city of Aden, in southern Yemen, on Tuesday after being shot in his car. He was 34 and reported extensively on the nation’s ongoing civil war.

journalists are now favourite targets, regardless of the region they cover

Al-Quaety, who contributed to Agence France-Presse among other news organizations, openly supported independence for South Yemen. The Southern Transitional Council, previously an ally of the government, is currently in conflict against it. Both sides also oppose Houthi rebels. Both the council and the government called for his death to be investigated.

Multiple assailants attacked al-Quaety shortly after he left his nearby home, then, according to security officials, fled. He is survived by three children and his pregnant wife. A freelancer, he was a 2016 Rory Peck Awards finalist for his coverage of the conflict. In 2019 he survived a drone attack that left six soldiers dead. The city’s security chief, Abdullah al-Jahafi, announced on Facebook on Tuesday there were suspects in custody.

“Nabil’s murder is unacceptable and constitutes a terrible new blow to journalism in Yemen[…] journalists are now favourite targets, regardless of the region they cover”, said Sabrina Bennoui of Reporters Without Borders. Phil Chetwynd, director of global news for AFP, called the death “the senseless killing of a courageous journalist doing his job despite threats and intimidation.” Chetwynd also praised the quality of al-Quaety’s work.

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3 Mistakes To Avoid When It Comes To Your Savings

Banking and savings can be considered two sides of the same coin. We all want to save money and it the number one money tip that everyone advocates and implements on themselves as well. Although this is all for good reasons too how it is possible is a big question. What should be the most appropriate way is still need to explore with every minute changing trends.

If one goes with conventional banking for having a savings account, the interest rate is a big issue while on the other hand Islamic bank speculation savings account is another way to explore properly for international account holders in UAE.

Cut it short, keep one thing in your mind that it is the most basic money management step that keeps you prepared for the most unexpected scenarios. For example, a sudden car breaking down, or you need to make an emergency trip, having savings in your account gives you peace of mind. Otherwise to come out of such big financial losses is hard to tackle.

However, saving is just one part of the equation and there are two other directions that give you the exact output to deal with this plan. First seeing it as just a lump sum of money you already have in your savings account, you should focus on the ways to keep it stable and save it from losing the potential value this plan can give you. You can take the path with two options as:

  • Islamic savings account with a Fixed Deposit
  • Conventional savings account with an investment plan

Choose which way you want because both are working in a perfect manner in the UAE region. To make sure that you can get maximum output through a saving plan, here are five mistakes you need to avoid when it comes to your savings.

Don’t have any idea about savings ratio

There is a variation in the savings options like if you are saving for your emergency fund, the general rule of thumb is to save up at least three months of your monthly income. While if you are saving for a UAE mortgage loan, at least you have six months’ monthly expenses so that to easily handle your loan installments without disturbing your routine based tasks.

Let me explain through an example, if your monthly income is AED 3,000, you may look at saving about AED 10000 for your home loan or a mortgage loan in the future then you must start by putting 10% of your monthly income into your savings account.

This is the most basic formula to manage your savings in a fruitful way. Most of the expatriates don’t have an exact idea and they informally get into a loan which comes into an ultimate result in the form of debt. So be prepared yourself with all outcomes so that to manage in a responsible and accurate way.

Avoid saving in an interest bearing account

In conventional banking, savings come from an interest rate system but it’s of no use because at the end of your FD, you will get a minimum amount. Always keep one thing in your mind that compounding interest makes the world go round – well, almost and in many similar situations.

Now the point is, how can we safeguard our hard-earned money from the ghastly inflation in critical situations? Very simple, you always put your emergency savings in an account that offers liquidity and high-interest rate. This is a variable method that can save you from the inflations period when banks have no other option but to cut down your interest rate. This is the only way to save your actual profit.

We would recommend you to take advantage of this feature from savings or current accounts offered by the banks in the UAE. In this way, you can also boost your savings. There is another way out in the form of multiple savings account. For example in a multi-tiered interest account, you don’t only protect your savings from the situation like inflation, but at the other end, you always keep working to increase your funds.

Use auto-billing payments

Most of the account holders don’t have any idea about the smart savings options in UAE they ignore the small things which can be used for savings. Like paying your bills isn’t part of saving, do a thing so? It’s wrong because making smart payments can save you money in many ways. Nowadays making payments have become increasingly easy through credit card and other online banking options. To complete this task you can even choose the option of making recurring transactions.

Suppose you are working with an Islamic loan in the Emirates and you have to make payments for your loan schemes every month. If you are using auto-billing options, you can save a lot. All these features help you to keep track of your payments at one side while on the other hand, you can make it safer for getting further into debt. There is a choice like making late payments through checks and other transaction options. Well, it doesn’t just incur higher interest costs but also affects your credit health, which will impact your credit application in the future.

In UAE, most of the banks provide auto-billing transactions without any fee and it can be done completely free of charge but some of the banks charged a little amount. Take note of these in a proper way and consider this extra fee will help you save in other ways like managing the loan sheet. While the cost of paying your bills manually could possibly be higher due to late transactions.

Conclusive point

As an expatriate, if you want to work for your savings plans, investment solutions or any kind of a loan option, the best Islamic current account might be an appropriate option. You should read all the terms and conditions applied to a scheme because this is quite unique as compared to the conventional banking system.

First Nestorian search engine goes online

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Recently the first ever Nestorian Search Engine went online currently offering users more than a million resources…

The Web site says that is the “official Search Engine for all things Nestorian.” The Nestorian Search Engine has materials ranging from Assyrian, Chaldean, Biblical languages, Aramaic, Hebrew, Christianity, Judaism, Armenian texts, and much more.

This is the only Nestorian Search Engine on the Internet. Spokesman Marcus Levine said, “Our Search Engine spiders the internet on a daily basis for Nestorian related Web sites and research materials in general.” Levine said the Nestorian Search Engine is an ongoing project.

“We are working on many features that will be of interest to Nestorians and all Christians in general such as recipes from Nestorians around the world. Users will soon be able to post their own recipes or request others. Get breaking news from your city, state or country through the free service as well as local weather – users can find out what the weather’s like in their area or anywhere in the world”, Levine said.

The Nestorian Search Engine will also include a service called “Nestorian Books”, which Levine said would serve as a “book finder and publishing service. We will be offering a free print-on-demand service. You can upload a PDF or MS Word doc of your manuscript and the service will publish it. The search engine will also be able to find online books within just a matter of seconds.”

Other features the Nestorian Search Engine will include:

  • Nestorian Q&A – Nestorian Question and Answer. Post a question and get an answer from a clergy person with the Nestorian Orthodox Church.
  • Nasrani Blog – Users can sign up for a free blog and post their thoughts daily, every other day, or weekly with the free service.
  • The Global Nestorian – This is the search engine in the user’s own language. Soon users will be able to search Nestorian sites in many different languages.
  • Free Translation Service – Need a translation of a verse or passage in the Scriptures? Want to see your congregation’s name in another language such as Nasramit, Hebrew or Aramaic? Users will be able to post translation requests and get their answer emailed to them.
  • Nestorian Chat – Users will be able to start chatting soon with fellow Nestorians worldwide with the free Nestorian toolbar.
  • Photo Gallery – Find Nestorian graphics, create your own Nestorian photo gallery or view other galleries with the click of a button.

You can visit the beta site of the Nestorian search engine by going to this link: [1] The Nestorian Search Engine is provided by the Nasrani-Kazaam Software Foundation and sponsored in part by the Nasrani Church of the East and Abroad which is also known officially in many parts of the world as The Nestorian Orthodox Church.

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How To Prepare For 70 347 Enabling Office 365 Services}

Submitted by: Juanita E. Baker

Numerous experts are with expectations of getting affirmed on items and administrations of Microsoft 70-347 Certifications Test to take an enormous jump from where they right now stand. Microsoft affirmation tests one on the believability that he learnt through specialized instruction itself. Numerous organizations today request a competitor to be affirmed on Microsoft items and advances to tests experts on the information that they have picked up from their degree and experience.

In particular, the 70-347 Empowering Office 365 Administrations is an exam that tests IT experts who are to utilize Microsoft office 365 administrations. Their summon and abilities over the product are tried in numerous diverse angles. All in all, points like customer administration, end client gadgets, and offer point refer to gathering and numerous different themes identified with office 365 servers.

Subjects of the Exam

managing end-client gadgets and customers (20% to 25%)


provision of Sharepoint site accumulations (20% to 25%)

configuration of Trade Online & Lync Online for clients (25% to 30%)

planning for Lync Online and Trade Online (25% to 30%)

The 70-347 Tests itself isn’t simple at all and has a no divulgence assention. Microsoft has a tendency to make its exams as hard as could reasonably be expected so that its confirmation has its own particular worth in the business sector. They say that its not worth the trouble in the event that they permit hopefuls to trick amid the 70-347 Exams for the affirmation will lose its value that way. However get ready for this exam is one hard employment itself.

For somebody who has encounter in the field will feel lesser challenges in get ready for 70-347 Empowering Office 365 Administrations on the grounds that the exam tests the ideas and learning that an individual has of that particular Microsoft item.

Instructions to Endeavor the Exam?

Expertise of endeavoring the 70-347 Paper Guides can help in securing a superior rate of imprints. This expert exam obliges fitting preparing and consideration from its applicants. Its inquiries and responses are accessible online for hopefuls to view and comprehend the kind of inquiries they are to expect the example of noting them.

In any case, experiencing fitting preparing packs and example papers can better help in planning for it. Books are currently accessible with study material and these can additionally be acquired on the web. Microsoft likewise permits online talk sessions with delegates of its organization and exam masters so hopefuls can get their questions cleared in regards to test inquiries. The greater part of this and a considerable measure a greater amount of 70-347 Study Material is accessible online in PDF group for one to use amid arrangement for this exam. On the off chance that still somebody feels that the test is excessively hard then they can procure an online mentor that can help in the understanding of numerous ideas and put an individual through a 70-347 Practice Test.

In particular, the 70-347 Empowering Office 365 Administrations is an exam that tests IT experts who are to utilize Microsoft office 365 administrations. Their summon and abilities over the product are tried in numerous diverse angles.

About the Author: Specialists at Examkill Prepare appropriate Study Kits for

Certification and



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Iraqi restaurant hit by suicide bomber

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A suicide bombing in Iraq has killed at least 55 people and injured at least 120 more, according to local police.The suicide bomber struck at a restaurant located about 2 miles north of the ethnically mixed city of Kirkuk on Thursday morning. The Abdullah restaurant, where the explosion took place, is popular among Kurdish officials. The attack comes on the Muslim religious holiday Eid al-Adha, known in English as the “Festival of Sacrifice”.

At the time the restaurant was struck, it was full of families marking the final day of Eid. Five women and three children were among the dead.

Kirkuk is the scene of ongoing ethnic tensions, although the reasons for this attack in particular are currently unknown.

Salam Abdullah, 45, was one of the people in the restaurant at the time of the attack. “I held my wife and led her outside the place. As we were leaving, I saw dead bodies soaked with blood and huge destruction,” he stated, commenting on his experiences. “We waited outside the restaurant for some minutes. Then an ambulance took us to the hospital.”

Awad al-Jubouri, who was injured in the incident, condemned the bombers. “I do not know how a group like al-Qaida claiming to be Islamic plans to attack and kill people on sacred days like Eid. We were only meeting to discuss our problems with the Kurds and trying to impose peace among Muslims in Kirkuk.” Jubouri is a tribal leader, who was attending a lunch that was intended to precede a meeting discussing was to lessen tensions between local communities.

Last July, an affiliated restaurant of the same name was the site of a suicide bombing which claimed the lives of six and wounded twenty five.

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World’s first double arm transplant undertaken in Munich

Saturday, August 2, 2008

A 54-year-old German farmer who lost both arms in a farming accident six years ago has become the first patient to receive a complete double arm transplant. The patient, whose name has not been released, underwent the operation at the Klinikum rechts der Isar, part of the Technical University of Munich (Technische Universität München), last week; he is said to be recovering well.

The operation lasted 15 hours and was performed by a team of 40 specialists in Plastic Surgery, Hand Surgery, Orthopedics and Anesthesiology, under the direction of the head of the Plastics and Hand Surgery department, Prof. Hans-Günther Machens, Dr. Christoph Höhnke (Head of Transplants, Senior Physician; Plastics and Hand Surgery) and Prof. Edgar Biemer, the former Chief of Plastic Surgery at the Clinic.

In a press statement released by the clinic, it was revealed that the patient had been thoroughly physically checked and had psychological counselling prior to the surgery to ensure he was mentally stable enough to cope with the procedure. Since completion of the surgery, the patient has been on immuno-suppressant drugs to prevent rejection of the new limbs.

Following the surgery, the press release from the clinic’s press manager, Dr. Tanja Schmidhofer, included the following statement:

The flow of blood was [re-]started in intervals of 20 minutes because the anaesthetists had to make sure that the patient would not suffer from the blood flowing back from the transplanted parts. No significant swelling was seen, nor indeed any ischemia (lack of blood flow to the tissues). This is a testament to the surgeons who established a fully functioning blood flow…the main nerves, the Musculocutaneus, Radial and Ulnar nerves were all attached and sewn together, and finally an external fixator was applied, with pins in the lower and upper arms, avoiding the risk of pressure points and sores. The operation was successfully completed after 15 hours.

Without the immuno-suppressant drugs given to the patient, the risk of there being a Graft-versus-Host Reaction or GvHR, would have been significant due to the upper arm containing a large amount of bone marrow, consisting of ICC’s or Immuno-Competent Cells, which would have triggered a near total rejection of the new limbs. A GvHR is a condition which results in the cells from the transplant attacking the immune system of the body.

Indications from the clinic suggest that the double attachment went well, although it could be up to 2 full years before the patient is able to move the arms.

The donor arms came from an unnamed teenager, who is believed to have died in a car accident.

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Bremer Freimarkt, oldest fair in Germany, reaches its climax

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Bremer Freimarkt (Free Fair) — historically one of the oldest fairs in Germany — has its greatest event with the Free Fair Procession “Freimarktsumzug”; this year’s Freimarktsumzug took place Saturday.

The procession started Saturday morning on the opposite side of the river Weser in the “Neustadt” and passed the city hall about one hour later. 146 colorfully decorated groups were taking part, some of them dancing to their own music, and were watched by about 200.000 people in the streets during more than four hours of the whole performance. The event could also be viewed on television and on livestream on the web.

The Free Fair opened on the place behind the main station of the city of Bremen a week ago. The origin of this popular event can be traced back to the year 1035. Nowadays it has been called the “biggest Fairground Festival in northern Germany”.

For a few years, an historical spectacle involving actors of the theatre group Shakespeare Company has been part of the opening performance of the fair. With a replica of an old cog an ambassador enters the banks of the river Weser close to the city and walks with his companions to the market place in front of the city hall of Bremen where the Kleiner Freimarkt (Small Free Fair) is opened. Members of the Chimney Sweep Guild hang up a big heart at the statue of Roland as a sign of the opened market. The traditional opening takes place in the Bavarian tent on the Bürgerweide behind the main station of Bremen with the tapping of the first keg by the incumbent Senator of the Interior of the Free Hansetown of Bremen. This is followed by the dance with Miss Free Market on the stage. Late at night, also fireworks are lighted over the place Bürgerweide and can be admired by people. The exclamation Ischa Freimaak (It’s Free Fair) is meant to spread a relaxed and unreserved atmosphere among the guests.

The fair is a major source of revenue for showmen, carousels and food stalls, some of which arrived nearly two weeks before the opening from all over Germany. This year the Freimarkt is to last until Sunday November 4. The subsequent disassembly, especially the technically complex rides, should then take about ten days.

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Choosing The Right Skateboard Deck}

Choosing the Right Skateboard Deck


Monica McGuire

When deciding to buy a deck, think about why you’re buying it. Are you looking to do trick or just ride around? Decks come in three shapes, mellow, medium and steep, referring to the concave of the board. If you’re just looking to ride or are a beginner, a mellow deck is flatter and allows the rider to navigate easier. However, flatter decks are not good for tricks. If your looking to do a lot of tricks, a more concaved board will be conducive to more tricks. While the most important factor should be personal comfort, be sure to consider your needs before purchasing a deck.

Once you decide what you want to do on your board, its time to look at what kind to buy.The biggest mistake of beginner skaters is buying a cheap board. Inexpensive boards break easier and can be expensive to repair. Go for a quality deck that will last longer and handle the wear and tear of a beginner. The average board is about 7 layers of ply and high quality boards use Canadian Maple. Once you pick your favorite designer, sizing is the next step.When determining the size of your deck, there are several factors to consider. Your purpose for skating, your height and the type of tricks you will do are the most important. Boards range from 7.5 to 8.5 inches in width and 29 to 33 inches in length. If you plan to do street tricks and technical skating, like riding ledges or rails, you need a deck that is 8 inches wide or less as they are easier for tricks. If you are going to be skating in a park, in a pool or using ramps, choose a board between 8 and 8.5 inches as it will provide more stability. If you’re looking to be an in between skater, decks ranging from 7.7 to 8.2 inches will work best for you.The length of your deck should be determined by your height. The taller you are, the longer your board needs to be. If the deck is too long or too short, skating can be difficult and awkward. A deck length of 29 to 31.5 inches is best for heights 4′ to 5’3″ while heights 5’3″ to 6’1″ should find a deck from 31.5 to 32.5 inches. Anyone above 6’1″ should get a deck between 32.5 and 33 inches.The last and most crucial part of any deck is the design. Everything from the trucks and banners to your helmet and knee pads feeds off the design of your deck so make sure your deck fits your personality. These days, decks are as much a part of the skater look as the Vans, Dickies, and Logo Tees. Deck designs show your personal philosophy, style and brand loyalties. Making it your own is half the fun. Finding a board that you love, fits your needs and matches your personality can be tough but once you do, it is sure to create the ride of your life.

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Choosing the Right Skateboard Deck}