The Sultan’s Elephant entertains London

Sunday, May 7, 2006File:The Sultans Elephant spraying water.JPG

The Sultan’s Elephant, a giant piece of street theatre by French group Royal de Luxe, has been entertaining Londoners over the course of this weekend. The show started on Thursday, when a ‘crashed rocket’ was in place at Victoria Place. On Friday, an oversized marionette of a young girl emerged from the rocket and met with the giant mechanised elephant. Over the course of the weekend, these two giant puppets have been parading around London streets, closed especially for the event.

Whilst Friday remained hot and sunny, the weekend turned wetter, but the rain didn’t seem to put off the crowds, some of who received a second soaking from the elephant’s trunk! The elephant stopped at Trafalger Square over lunchtime on the Saturday, before parading to Horse Guard’s Parade, where seating had been specially erected around a giant stage.File:Giant puppet girl licks lolly.jpg

Over ten puppeteers operate the elephant, made mostly of wood, using a complex arrangement of hydraulics and motors. The elephant moves its feet, wags its tails, waves and squirts water from its trunk, flaps its ears, blinks, and can even open its mouth to reveal a moving tongue. The girl marionette is held on a big frame, and was given a ride on the elephant’s trunk using a crane. The girl has been seen licking a giant lollipop, and even do a wee on the road.

The spectacle will end on Sunday with a grand finale.

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What Is Forex Technical Analysis Market?

Submitted by: Sean Goudeloc

Technical analysis market is a type of Forex analysis technique that heavily relies on numbers and historical data. It makes use of charts, quotes, indicators (both simple and complex), supply and demand volume, and most especially, the data about past market performance. Its main purpose is to give traders a clue on what will happen in the market based on all the data that was gathered from the past.

Many online trading platforms provide users or traders with different types of technical analysis. By using technical analysis tools, you can have a better projection of the ups and downs in the market. With the knowledge you get from this kind of analysis, you will be able to make better trading decisions and minimize risks of trading in the Forex market. However, you do have to remember too that even the most profitable Forex traders do not stick with technical analysis alone. Technical factors are often weighed vis- -vis fundamental factors. Make sure that you consider other techniques like fundamental analysis for a better reading of the market.

Technical analysis market trading involves different types. A few of the most popular types of technical analysis tools are charting, volume indicators, Bollinger bands, relative strength index, and Stochastics. Each of these types has unique methodologies to generate data. These also help you look at the technical factors from various perspectives. Below are brief explanations about those types:


The most basic type of technical analysis in Forex is charting . Fundamentally, it focuses on knowing and analyzing the highs, lows, and closing prices within a certain time frame in the market. Using this type of technical analysis will let you immediately know the major trends within the market, areas of support of trends, and resistance to the price movements.

On the other hand, volume indicators focus more on telling traders the current and upcoming trading volume for them to know if there will be sudden rise or fall, or a reversal. Many rely on this analysis as their leading indicator to predict future price trends.

If a trader wants to check the volatility of the market trends, he will rely on Bollinger bands. The technique gathers the data about the moving average prices in the past 21 days. If you use this technique, always watch out for any sharp tightening of the bands. When you see that, it means that the market s volatility will intensely increase, and a new price trend may arise.

Last, but not the least is the RSI (Relative Strength Index). This type of analysis is used when traders want to predict any forthcoming market reversals. Fundamentally, RSI is a scale starts from zero and ends with 100. If a trader sees a value that is below 20 on it, it is possible that an uptrend will happen. Alternatively, if he sees a value that is above 80, a downtrend may happen instead.

As you can see, Forex technical analysis market is an effective tool you can use in your trading venture. Use it wisely with other Forex tools, and you can expect that your success rates during your trades will rise significantly.

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Gunman kills self and hostage in Texas NASA building

Friday, April 20, 2007

Around 1:40 p.m. CDT, NASA employees reported that two shots were fired in the NASA Building 44 in the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. A SWAT team later reported that Bill Phillips, a contract engineer with Jacobs Engineering, had killed David Beverly as well as himself, leaving a female hostage physically unharmed.

Phillips entered a conference room with gun drawn and ordered all but one person out. Phillips barricaded himself on the second floor of the two-story building, with David Beverly and another female hostage. The building was evacuated and police were summoned. NASA security, Houston police and a SWAT team were on the scene.

Houston news reported at 5:22 p.m. CDT that Bill Phillips, the gunman, and David Beverly, the hostage, were both dead. Police reported that the SWAT team heard one shot and decided to engage, but before they reached the room they heard another shot. When SWAT reached the scene, the male hostage was dead from a bullet to the chest, the gunman was dead from a bullet to the head, and the female hostage, Fran Cranshaw, was gagged and bound to a chair with duct tape, but was otherwise unharmed.

All NASA employees had first been warned to stay in their buildings but were later told by NASA they were free to go home if their working day was over. Mission Control locked its doors during this incident, as this is a standard procedure in such situations. No NASA Mission has been affected by this incident, according to NASA.

In the first press conference, police said that communication to the gunman had not yet been established, but that negotiators had already tried it two times unsuccessfully.

The motive of the hostage-taking, and whether the three people had any connection to each other, is currently under investigation.

The Houston Chronicle reports that last month Phillips had received one e-mail from his employer, Jacob engineering Inc., “describing problems with his work and offering suggestions on improvement.” Jacobs printed that e-mail on March 18, the same day he bought the 38-caliber gun that police suspect was used in the shooting.

Despite reassurances by Cranshaw and Beverly, Phillips would not believe that management was not going to fire him, according to Cranshaw. During the 3-hour standoff, Phillips used a dry-erase board in the room indicating he was tired of being called “stupid,” police said last Saturday.

Michael Sampson, the co-manager of the space agency’s Electronic Parts and Packaging Program, who had known Beverly for ten years, described him as friendly, peaceful person, with a positive attitude to his co-workers.

Relatives describe Phillips as a loner who always kept to himself. He had lost his father in 2003, but had decided not to return to his hometown in Tennessee. Smith, a cousin of Phillips, remarked that in the Christmas card he had received from him last year, Phillips said that he was feeling lonely and without family, but nothing in the card suggested anything so tragic.

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UK energy companies announce that prices for bills could increase

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Six energy companies in the United Kingdom have announced that it is likely that the prices for energy bills could increase over the course of 2010.

The companies, which are nicknamed the “big six” in the United Kingdom, did not pass on information that there would be price cuts in energy bills despite increasing profits. However, the companies have in fact sent a message in response saying that the prices of bills may even increase over the course of the next year. Energy company watchdog the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem) have estimated that energy companies will make gross margins of £170 ($276) per dual fual customer over the course of the next twelve months, due to the recent fall in wholesale energy costs.

Ofgem have said: “Our analysis shows that based on an 18-month hedging strategy and assuming that retail prices remain unchanged, projected gross margin is set to increase by around £80 for dual fuel customers over the next six months.”

The “big six” energy companies in the United Kingdom are British Gas, E-on, Npower, Scottish and Southern Energy, Scottish Power, and EDF Energy. British Gas stated: “Prices [are] likely to remain at historically high levels, and in fact likely to increase as non-commodity costs rise ever upwards.”

EDF Energy said: “[We] would of course be prepared to reduce tariffs if market conditions allowed.” Scottish Power stated: “There are no immediate signals that would indicate a fall in retail prices for this winter, and risks of an increase next year.” Scottish & Southern Energy commented: “With forward annual wholesale prices significantly higher, and with upward pressures in terms of distribution, environmental and social costs, seeking to avoid an increase between now and the end of 2010 is an important goal.”

Meanwhile, a study by Consumer Focus in early September 2009 suggested that “energy companies were overcharging customers by £100 ($162) every year. A spokesperson for Ofgem said that there was no evidence of any cartel in operation, or evidence of profiteering. The spokesperson commented: “It is up to the companies themselves to decide whether to cut their bills. Consumer Focus data suggests that Scottish Power has increased dual fuel prices by the most since 2003 – up 148% – while decreasing prices by 0.6% so far this year. RWE’s Npower has increased tariffs by 132% since 2003, but has reduced bills by 2.7% in 2009.”

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Wikinews interviews Jo Jorgensen, U.S. Libertarian Party presidential nominee

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Professor Jo Jorgensen of South Carolina, the U.S. Libertarian Party’s 2020 presidential nominee, answered some questions about her campaign from Wikinews accredited reporter William S. Saturn.

Jorgensen is a psychology professor at Clemson University.   In 1992, with the Libertarian Party’s backing, she ran for public office, seeking South Carolina’s 4th congressional seat in the United States House of Representatives. She finished the race in third place with almost 2.16 percent of the total vote. Four years later, the Libertarian Party tapped Jorgensen to be its vice presidential nominee. She joined a ticket with the late Harry Browne. Browne-Jorgensen appeared on every state ballot and received a total of 485,798 votes, which was roughly 0.5 percent. This marked the best performance for the party since 1980 and would not be topped percentage-wise until 2012 when former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson attained 0.99 percent of the vote. Johnson bested that performance in 2016 as the party’s presidential nominee for a second time, earning 3.27 percent of the vote, the highest percentage for the party since its 1971 inception.

For the 2020 nomination, Jorgensen navigated through a primary campaign that featured the short-lived campaigns of former Rhode Island governor Lincoln Chafee and Congressman Justin Amash of Michigan, the first sitting Congressman to be a member of the Libertarian Party. At the virtual 2020 Libertarian National Convention, Jorgensen won the nomination on the fourth ballot, edging attorney Jacob Hornberger, performance artist Vermin Supreme and activist Adam Kokesh, among others. Podcaster Spike Cohen, originally the running mate of Supreme, was picked to be the party’s vice presidential nominee. Cohen spoke to Wikinews back in June. The Jorgensen-Cohen ticket has since secured ballot access in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

As a libertarian, an ideology that advocates for lesser government, both in the social and economic realms, Jorgensen’s issue positions include a mix of traditionally liberal and conservative stances. She supports both LGBT rights and gun rights. She opposes the police state and the taxing authority equally. And, she supports an open immigration policy while arguing against the welfare state.

With Wikinews, Jorgensen discusses her background, COVID-19, her potential cabinet, gridlock, and an assortment of issues including climate change, foreign affairs, free speech, and race relations.

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Wikinews interviews Amber Merritt Australian Paralympic wheelchair basketballer

Thursday, September 6, 2012

London, England— Tuesday, following her team’s 62–37 win over Mexico in the quarter-finals at the North Greewich Arena, Wikinews interviewed Amber Merrit of the Australian women’s national wheelchair basketball team.

In their next match, the Gliders will face the victors from the United States versus Canada, having suffered their first loss of this year’s Games to Canada on Sunday night by seven points.

((Laura Hale)) I’m excited to see you in London, because you were so fantastic in that interview.

[Wikinews previously interviewed Merrit, and teammates in July. —Ed.]

Amber Merrit: Thank you.

((WN)) Which state are you from?

AM: I’m from WA. [Western Australia —Ed.]

((WN)) You wheel change! What was wrong with your wheel?

AM: I smashed out three spokes. Someone hit me, and I lost three spokes in my chair.

((WN)) was that because you were playing really aggressively against Mexico?

AM: Yeah, or they were playing really aggressive against us.

((WN)) Watching that game it didn’t seem that they were playing that aggressive, in terms of they came in with set pieces; they weren’t doing the full-court press; they didn’t seem prepared for your offensive and defensive tenacity. ((Hawkeye7)) You kept on all holding them out, where they weren’t even getting across the centre line

AM: I think we have a really physical style of basketball where we’re going to press, and when we press we try to stop chairs and make sure they don’t get over that halfway line. They’re going to come out and play as hard as they can against us and sometimes there is that odd mishap where they might smash a few spokes cause they hit us. It happens.

((WN)) You tipped a lot in previous games. You haven’t tipped so much in this series.

AM: No, I’ve managed to keep my balance this time. Or maybe they haven’t hit me hard enough to put me down on the floor.

((WN)) Part of the appeal of wheelchair basketball, and I feel guilty admitting it, it watching you guys tip.

AM: And fall out. It’s embarrassing but I like it.

((WN)) You’ve got your next game coming up, which is going to be against the winner of the United States or Canada later today

AM: We’re not 100% sure yet who that’s going to be.

((WN)) Looking forward to meeting them?

AM: Yeah! Looking forward to coming up against them.

((WN)) Who would you prefer?

AM: I don’t know if I have a preference, to be honest. Whoever its going to be, we’re still going to go out there and play as hard as we can and take it to them as a team.

((WN)) Do you think you’ve been adequately prepared coming in to this, with your tournament in Sydney, your tournament in the Netherlands?

AM: Yeah, I think we’ve come in very well prepared for this tournament. We’ve been together for a while now as a team. Of course we had the Gliders and Rollers world challenge. We also went to Arnheim in the Netherlands for a pre-tournament, and we’ve trained together in Cardiff. And then after Cardiff we came in to London; so we’ve had that time together as a team and we’re doing really well.

((WN)) Does that give you an advantage over other teams?

AM: I’m not sure, because I don’t know what other teams have been doing behind the scenes as their training.

((WN)) Thank you very much.

AM: No worries!
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BC man is selling the boat from old TV series Gilligan’s Island

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A man named George Schultz in Parksville, British Columbia is selling the boat from old TV series Gilligan’s Island at the cost of $99,000. The cruiser, originally cost about $290,000 in the 1960s.

“There have been a couple of modifications, so it doesn’t look exactly like the original,” said Shultz, a boat broker who’s selling the 36-foot Wheeler Express Cruiser for fellow Parksdale resident Scotty Taylor. “But it’s still the original boat.”

Originally, the boat’s name was The Blue Jacket.

“Just for the show, for a stage name, it was called the S.S. Minnow,” Shultz said. The name was a reference to Newton Minnow, once chairman of the FCC.

“He just liked the boat, he wanted to restore it, it was a nice looking boat, a wooden boat, a classic and he likes classic boats,” said Shultz. “The hole in the hull was actually the least of the repairs – the interior needed a lot more work”.

Someone later stole the plaque on the boat, but the 46-year-old boat still has the round life preserver with S.S. Minnow emblazoned on it and the skipper’s chair.

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Federer beats Nishikori in Australian Open’s fourth round

Monday, January 23, 2017

Yesterday, Swiss tennis player Roger Federer defeated Japanese player and current world number five Kei Nishikori in the Australian Open’s fourth round. 17th ranked Federer is to play against 50th ranked Mischa Zverev in Zverev’s first ever Grand Slam quarter-final.

Nishikori won the first set 7–6; he scored five aces in the entire match. Federer committed eighteen unforced errors in the first set which lasted for 57 minutes. Four-time Australian Open champion Roger Federer made a comeback in the second set, winning it 6–4. He served 24 aces in the entire match. He went on to claim the third set in just 26 minutes, winning it 6–1. Nishikori levelled in the fourth set 6–4, winning one break point, but Federer was the better of the two in the last set.

Federer won 29 net points out of 44. Nishikori won just 19 out of 30. Federer won seven out of eighteen break points, Nishikori registering three. After winning the match, Federer said, “I thought it can’t get any worse from there. It was hard not to win that first set after all the effort but it paid off in the end. This is a huge win for me in my career.” The 35-year-old Federer was unable to compete in competitive tournaments following a knee injury in last year’s Wimbledon and had arthroscopic knee surgery.

Seventeen-time Grand Slam event winner Federer has emerged as the winner at the Rod Laver Arena on four occasions, in 2004, 2006, 2007, and 2010. His compatriot and winner of the 2014 edition of the tournament Stan Wawrinka is to face French player Jo-Wilfried Tsonga in the quarter-finals.

David Goffin became the first Belgian to reach Australian Open’s Quarter Final after defeating Austrian player Dominic Thiem 5–7 7–6 6–2 6–2. US player Coco Vandeweghe defeated women’s number one and last year’s winner Angelique Kerber in two straight sets 6–2 and 6–3, celebrating the victory with a dab.

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Pampered Chef Review Is It As Excellent As They Say}

Submitted by: Jarrett Fillion

The Pampered Chef, established in 1980, is a direct seller of first class kitchen tools. At in-home Cooking Shows, The Pampered Chef’s Independent Consultants aid visitors try products, prepare and also example dishes, as well as learn fast and also very easy cooking methods and amusing tips. The Pampered Chef is committed to that can help family members gather together at mealtimes by establishing cooking area tools, providing cooking ideas as well as creating recipes that match active way of lives. The Pampered Chef’s product line of more than 300 products includes cookware, flatware, cookbooks, stoneware and also cupboard items.

Pampered Chef was begun by Doris Christopher in 1980. The business’s founder and also chairman was formerly an educator, and also home economist. She saw the demand for professional-quality kitchen devices in the ordinary kitchen. Via the use of at home cooking demonstrations, Doris began promoting Pampered Chef. She maximized her expertise of cooking methods and set up an inventory of exactly what she believed to be one of the most important kitchen area necessities.

Pampered Chef products include cookware, stoneware, bake ware, exterior items, utensils, as well as cutting-edge knives. Pampered Chef likewise boasts bamboo utensils, cheese boards, baking frying pans of various sizes and shapes, sharpeners, skewers as well as tongs, assessing cups, grill devices, and various other bbq accessories. Their cookware category includes funnels, paring knives, devices, peelers, spoons, egg separators, cutters, garlic presses, and more.

The Pampered Chef also offers cook books loadeded with shade pictures, substance lists as well as comprehensive descriptions of the products, quantities and cooking approaches necessary to finish any of their dishes. The firm not just prints cookbooks but additionally makes literature that specializes on certain dishes, training courses, desserts, and ethnic-specific dishes.


Pampered Chef Professionals share products as well as dishes with consumers through Cooking Reveals, Magazine Shows, Charity event Shows, and also online.

Pampered Chef Experts make in between 20 % and 25 % on their individual sales, relying on their regular monthly commissionable sales total. Consultants who develop a team could earn as much as 31 % payment.

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About the Author: pampered chef scam


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Australian Rollers roll over Great Britain men’s wheelchair basketball team

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Homebush Bay, New South Wales —

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In a closely fought game Thursday night between the Australian Rollers and the Great Britain men’s national wheelchair basketball team at the Sport Centre at the Sydney Olympic Park, Australia rolled away as 65–51 victors.

The Australians, many with facial hair, met the partially tattooed Great Britain side with a lot of aggression and sometimes borderline violence on the court. Wheelchairs rammed into each other with much greater frequency than in the previous match played between the Australian and German women. Both teams were very vocal on the court and on the bench, loudly telling their teammates what to do or occasionally arguing with the referees. Bench players on both teams demonstrated a lack of creativity in their sideline chanting, with the Rollers chanting “Defense. Rollers. Defense.” and the Great Britain side chanting “Defense. Defense.” The Great Britain side, initially very loud from the bench following a 37–33 half time lead, got quieter as the game progressed. With 6:22 left in the fourth quarter, the game appeared to have gotten away from the referees who answered by calling a technical against Great Britain after one of the Australian players ended up on his back on the court. The call followed a fan screaming from the stands that the game was not supposed to be a contact sport. Following the siren to end the game, both sides shook hands.

Australia plays their last game in pool play in the Rollers & Gliders World Challenge at 7:30pm Sydney time Friday against Japan while Great Britain meets Japan at 12:00pm Sydney time Friday. All three teams are London bound for the Paralympics next month.

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