Understanding The Role And Duties Of A Doctor

What Does A Doctor Do?

Being a doctor is one of the most critical and prestigious roles in a society. Doctors assume the crucial responsibility of maintaining and improving human health. They diagnose, treat, and attempt to prevent diseases and injuries that commonly occur in the general population. Thus, the primary duty of a doctor is to incorporate scientific knowledge and methods to promote healthcare.

Typically, a doctor’s activities range from performing examinations and interpreting diagnostic tests to prescribing medications and carrying out procedures. This article attempts to explain in greater detail what a doctor does through their typical day.

Assessing Patient’s Health

One of the fundamental duties of a doctor involves the evaluation of the patient’s condition. This typically involves making an initial assessment based on the presented symptoms, followed by a detailed examination using specialized medical equipment. They also refer to the patient’s medical history to aid in the diagnosis.

Diagnosing Health Problems

Doctors are trained to interpret symptoms and medical test results to diagnose illnesses accurately. Using their clinical judgment, they can decide the nature of the ailment, its stage, and severity. They are legally responsible for the diagnoses they make.

Developing and Managing Treatment Plans

Once a diagnosis has been made, the doctor’s role extends to the development of a treatment plan tailored to the patient’s needs. The plan could involve prescribing medication, suggesting lifestyle changes, or referring the patient to specialists.

Procedures and Surgeries

Some doctors are trained to perform procedures or surgeries. This varies greatly depending on their specialty. For instance, a plastic surgeon’s day might see him performing a nose job San Francisco patients might request, among other procedures. These doctors possess advanced training and skills which allow them to conduct invasive medical procedures safely and effectively.

Communication and Collaboration

Doctors are not solitary in their roles. They often work as part of a healthcare team, sharing information, and collaborating with other healthcare professionals, including nurses, pharmacists, and specialists. It is also their duty to communicate effectively with patients, explaining their diagnoses, treatment plans, and prognosis in understandable terms while addressing their concerns.

Continuing Education

Medicine is an ever-evolving field. Therefore, one of the ongoing responsibilities of a doctor is to stay updated with the latest advancements in their area of specialty. They regularly participate in continuing medical education programs, workshops, and conferences, which keep them at the forefront of the latest medical knowledge and technology.

In conclusion, a doctor’s job is highly complex and challenging, but also rewarding. It involves a delicate balance of scientific understanding, technical skill, communication, empathy, and a constant thirst for knowledge. The goal always remains to provide the highest quality care to all patients and contribute positively to public health overall.

Traditional Open Spine Surgery Vs Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Traditional Open Spine Surgery VS Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery


Cedric Loiselle

Traditional Open Spine Surgery

To be able to do traditional open spine surgery, the neurosurgeons need to make an incision and open up layers of tissue so that it would be large enough not only to accommodate all the tools which are needed during the operation but also to allow the doctors to see what is inside the body. Although there minimally invasive spine surgery is now available, there are still doctors who still perform using the open procedure because most of the tools used for the operation are still too large to fit the small incision.

Due to the increase risks involved in open spinal procedure, a pressure on developing methods and tools that could be used in minimally invasive spine surgery is given to scientists and researchers of this field of medicine. Doctors and patients alike have high hopes that in the near future, these minimally invasive tools and methods would be developed so that less danger, stress, and fear would be felt.


Traditional Open Spine Surgery Procedure

Some procedures that still make use of the traditional open spine surgery include the anterior cervical discectomy and fusion, cervical foraminotomy, posterior lumbar interbody fusion, anterior lumbar interbody fusion, spinal fusion, cervical corpectomy, transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion, decompressive lumbar laminectomy, cervical laminoplasty, and many other.

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

In minimally invasive spine surgery, it is a must that the neurosurgeons pinpoint the exact location on where to make an incision so that they could have access to the part of the spine that needs the surgery. To make sure of this, they could use different imaging techniques such as X-rays or the MRI to help them see. They also use endoscopes, which could be inserted through the small incision that is made during the surgery. In addition to the endoscope, tools that are used during the surgery would also be able to fit the small incision so that the neurosurgeons would not need to make a larger one. Instead of scalpels, they would use lasers to cut or remove pieces of tissue or bone that may be causing the disease.

Although a lot of people might prefer this method because it is far less traumatic than the open surgery, people should also consider the rate of successful surgeries. It has not yet been proven that spine fusion treatments are better using this method so it is still safe to say that open spine surgery could still be better in this field.

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Procedures

With the discovery of minimally invasive spine surgery, the scientists have developed a few procedures which make use of this type of surgery. This includes kyphoplasty, endoscopic scoliosis surgery, microscopic discectomy, disc decompression, and vertebroplasty. All these methods are used to remove parts of the spine which could cause an increase in pressure in the surrounding nerves which would then cause the back pain that most patients experience. Back pain may be the main reason why most patients seek the help of a neurosurgeon to perform an operation on them.

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Traditional Open Spine Surgery VS Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Frequently Asked Questions About Liposuction}

Frequently Asked Questions about Liposuction


Jordan Rocksmith

What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction, also called lipoplasty or body contouring, is a type of cosmetic surgery designed to contour the body by removing excess fat deposits. This surgical procedure involves using a vacuum to break up and remove specific fat deposits in the body. Liposuction is most commonly used to shape the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, neck, chin, arms, calves, or back. Liposuction is the most popular type of cosmetic surgery in the United States today.

What Are the Different Types of Liposuction?

Liposuction was first performed in 1974, and it has come a long way since then. Recent advancements have made the procedure easier, safer, and less painful than ever before. The most common types of liposuction techniques include the following.

Tumescent liposuction: This technique involves using a local anesthetic instead of general anesthesia to numb the patient.

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction: This technique uses ultrasound technology to liquefy the fat, which makes removal easier.

Laser-assisted liposuction: This technique uses low-energy waves from a specialized laser to liquefy the fat before removal.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Liposuction?

Good candidates for the liposuction procedure include the following:

Individuals in good overall health


Individuals who do not have any life-threatening illnesses or medical conditions that could impede healing

Individuals within 30% of their ideal body weight

Individuals with firm, elastic skin and good muscle tone

Individuals with specific goals for body contouring and realistic expectations for the results of the procedure


What Are the Benefits of Liposuction?

Some of the most common benefits of the liposuction procedure include the following:

Safe and permanent removal of fat from the body

Improved overall health

Sculpts areas of the body that are resistant to diet and exercise

Boosts self-esteem

Improves your appearance and the way others perceive you

What Are the Risks of Liposuction?

As with any type of invasive surgery, liposuction carries certain risks such as reaction to anesthesia and bleeding. Other possible complications specific to the liposuction procedure include the following:

Skin contour irregularities

Temporary bruising, swelling, and soreness

Temporary or permanent numbness

Irritation and minor scarring


Skin pigmentation changes

Internal puncture

Fat embolism

Kidney and heart problems

How Long Does Recovery Take?

Liposuction is a same-day surgery, so patients typically return home just hours after their procedure. Patients can expect some pain, bruising, and swelling for at least a week following the procedure. The surgeon will prescribe medications to reduce the risk of infection and control the pain during the recovery period. Most patients can return to work after a few days and resume normal activities after a few weeks.

How Do I Find the Right Liposuction Surgeon?

When considering liposuction in Kansas City, MO, it is important to do your homework before selecting a surgeon. Begin your search by obtaining referrals from friends, relatives, and reputable online sources. Next, look for surgeons with the necessary credentials and experience to expertly perform your surgery. Make sure that each candidate is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and has extensive experience performing the liposuction procedure. Lastly, schedule a consultation with at least 3 different candidates to discuss the procedure, your questions, and their professional recommendations. Taking the time to carefully research all available candidates will help ensure that you are happy with the results of your procedure.

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The Facts Of Sleep Apnea Surgery

Submitted by: Randy Mark

What is the best treatment for sleep apnea? It seems that this is a question that plenty of people would like to be answered with. But there is no simple answer. There are several ways to treat sleep apnea. How that can be done depends on the factors such as the type of the sleep apnea disorder, the overall health of the patient, how severe the condition is, etc. The different conditions mean different treatments and different approaches. Most of the people can easily deal with this disorder on several conservative ways. However, in case when everything else fails or when the condition is too severe and there is no time for any other treatment the only solution is sleep apnea surgery. Sleep apnea surgery for certain cases is the only possible treatment.

There are several sleep apnea surgeries that can be done in order to treat this disorder. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), laser-assisted uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (LAUP), pillar palatal treatment, tracheostomy are the most common surgery procedures performed for curing sleep apnea.

Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPP) is a surgical procedure that includes removing soft tissue at the back of the throat. With it the tonsils and the adenoids are removed if present, part or all of the uvula, or parts of the soft palate. As a result of it the airway paths are to be wider opened, some of the muscle action is to be blocked in order to keep the airway open and to improve the closure of the soft palate. Usually the patients need to stay some time at the hospital while the complete recovery process can take up to several weeks. The chances for a complication are really small and there are plenty of statistical numbers to confirm that.


The laser-assisted uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (LAUP) operation is a variation of uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP). It is a procedure that can be done in the doctor`s office. Usually is done to help reduce the snoring. With it much less tissue can be removed of the throat than with UPPP. However, some of the doctors are even worried that once snoring is eliminated as a symptom it would be much harder for them to diagnose the patient if more severe condition of sleep apnea happens to them.

Pillar palatal implant is a sleep apnea surgery that is used for treating mild to moderate apnea. However, reduction in snoring is the main goal of this sleep apnea surgery. With the help of the implant the movement and the vibration of the soft palates are significantly reduced. The procedure takes not more than 10 minutes and it can be easily done in the doctor`s office. According to some of the studies this procedure produces the same results as UPPP, with much quicker recovery time and much less pain. The procedure includes three short pieces of polyester strings that the doctor will insert into the soft palate.

Tracheostomy was the only known sleep apnea surgery treatment in the past. Even though it sounds bit scary but this is relatively easy procedure. Surgeon makes an opening through the neck and inserts a tube into the windpipe. Even though the success rate is almost 100%, this sleep apnea surgery is rarely done. That is so because the procedure can cause number of psychological and medical problems associated with the recovery process. The doctors recommend it only when there is nothing else to be done.

Surgery for nasal obstructions, maxillomandibular advancement (MMA), hyoid advancement surgery, genioplasty, genioglossus are other types of sleep apnea surgeries that can help with apnea as well.

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Sleep Apnea Surgery Los Angeles

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Plastic Surgery And Cosmetic Surgery}

Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Surgery



There is a difference between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery, even though a lot of people would refer to them as one and the same thing. In a way, they can be the same thing. Both refer to the correction of form and function of the body parts concerned. However, cosmetic surgery specifically concentrates on the enhancement of appearance, and is actually just one division of plastic surgery. The reason why it is so closely tied to the general category of plastic surgery is because people generally undergo surgery to improve upon their appearances.

There are many other fields under plastic surgery. Aside from cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery also includes craniofacial surgery, hand surgery, burn surgery, microsurgery, and pediatric surgery. All of which contributes mostly to the improvement of body functions and partly to change one’s appearance. Plastic surgery is performed mainly for the purpose of correcting impairments and abnormalities in the body. These would include fixing up burns, bone fractures, physical abnormalities, infections, and removing cancers or tumors. People can avail of surgical procedures for a cleft lip surgery, breast reconstruction, or for creating an ear when there is none. Cosmetic surgery, as a subcategory of plastic surgery, focuses more on the changing or improving of one’s appearance. It can be with the purpose of maintaining one’s normal appearance, restoring it, or enhancing it to become more ideal in appearance. Plastic surgeons are also trained in cosmetic surgery, as it is part of their broad field of surgical procedures. The following are the most popular cosmetic procedures that are being performed today. Most of these have already even earned prevalent nicknames.Abdominoplasty: Also known simply as tummy tuck, this is the reshaping and firming of the abdomen.Blepharoplasty: Many would prefer to call this as eyelid surgery, wherein the procedure aims to reshape the eyelids or apply permanent eyeliner. Mammoplasty: Procedures of mammoplasty concern the breasts. Breast augmentation, or breast enlargement, involves the use of fat grafting, sline, or silicone gel prosthetics to make the breasts bigger. It is more commonly known as a boob job. Breast reduction, on the other hand, is the removal of skin and glandular tissue in order to make the breasts smaller (specially for those suffering from gigantomastia and gynecomastia). The breast lift, or mastopexy, involves lifting or reshaping the breasts to make them less saggy. Buttock Augmentation: A simpler term for this would be butt implants. Butt implants refer to the enhancement of the buttocks, with either silicone or fat grafting.Chemical Peel: This procedure minimizes facial scars like acne and pock, and can also decrease wrinkles, freckles, and other facial damages. Labiaplasty: This refers to the reduction and reshaping of the labia.Rhinoplasty: This is better known as the nose job. Otoplasty: This refers to ear surgery.Rhytidectomy: This is the removal of wrinkles and aging signs from the face, popularly known as the face lift.Other well-known cosmetic surgical procedures are liposuction, chin augmentation, cheek augmentation, and more. The number of people seeking cosmetic surgical treatment grows with each passing year. There are even those who would go to other countries where surgical procedures cost less. Despite the popularity of cosmetic surgery, and that it goes under plastic surgery, one must bear in mind that plastic surgery does not directly refer to aesthetic or cosmetic surgery.

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. Feel free to contact the author at keywriterm@gmail.com for any inquiries or concerns.

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Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Surgery}

Improve Your Employment Prospects With A Blepharoplasty


It’s no secret that the employment market is as tough as it’s ever been. The rise in flexible working practices means that the days when people could expect a job for life with a single company are long gone. Today’s job market is a tough one, so it makes sense to ensure you do all that you can to remain ahead of the game and maximize your chances of being the successful candidate at the interview. In addition to having the right skills, qualifications and experience, looking right for the job is also critical. Find out how to enhance your appearance to help that dream job become a reality.

Lose Excess Fat


Unfortunately, research shows overweight and obese individuals are less likely to land that top employment spot. Studies indicate that employers perceive larger job candidates as more likely to be lazy, poorly disciplined and less intelligent. In addition to eating less and moving more, a growing number of people are turning to plastic surgery to help them look their best. Residents of large cities such as Newark or Paterson (are there more affluent cities we can target? Livingston, Caldwell, franklin lakes.. although not as populated?), New Jersey find blepharoplasty surgery allows them to lose the excess fat that can gather around the eye lid area, leading to a firmer, more engaging appearance.

Don’t Let Your Age Show

Older job candidates are often overlooked in the workplace. Perceived as being slow and perhaps incapable of adapting to change in the way which younger people can, employers frequently find reasons to turn away more mature job applicants. It makes sense that retaining a youthful appearance is often the best way of maximizing your employment chances. Obtaining a blepharoplasty surgery will often give you a much younger looking eye, which makes a positive difference to your overall appeal.

Get an Energetic Look

Even if you’re not beginning to show the ravages of time, some eyes naturally have a single crease in the eyelid or a less pronounced double crease. Some people feel that investing in blepharoplasty surgery to produce a significant double crease in the eyelid can leave them with eyes which appear to be rounder and more alert. This may give them a more energetic look which is appreciated in the workplace.

If you feel that your eyes are holding you back from achieving the career success you’ve always wanted, why not visit the Wise Center for Plastic Surgery in Wayne, New Jersey and see what Dr. Wise can do for you? As a skilled and experienced surgeon, Dr. Wise provides expert care and makes modern blepharoplasty surgery a quick and straight-forward procedure. Why not contact our office for a consultation and see what a difference it can make?

Considering Weight Loss Surgery? Ask Yourself These Important Questions

Considering Weight Loss Surgery? Ask Yourself These Important Questions by NationalBariatricLinkHere are some essential questions you should ask yourself before you decide on weight loss surgery. Do I really need surgery to lose weight?The first question you should ask yourself is if weight loss surgery is the final answer left to you, or if you should look for a different option. Surgery is only rarely ever the sole option for weight loss. In fact, most physicians would agree that a good diet and exercise plan would be much safer than surgery. Before choosing surgery, you should try to lose weight naturally, through a good nutrition plan and exercise. Am I a good candidate for weight loss surgery?Most bariatric surgeons use the following criteria to determine whether a person is a good candidate for weight loss surgery: You are severely obese with a body mass index (BMI) over 40. You have tried unsuccessfully to lose weight through non-surgical meansYour weight is affecting your daily life and relationships You understand the procedure, and realize the risks that are associated with weight loss surgery What are the risks of weight loss surgery?All types of surgery carry some level of risk, including surgery for weight loss. Even though many weight loss surgeries use laparoscopic techniques, which are considered minimally invasive, there is always the potential for complications. Talk to your doctor about this issue during your initial consultation.How much will this surgery cost? Weight loss surgery can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $40,000. Clearly, you will have financial considerations as well as medical issues to think over before you make your decision. You should talk to your insurance provider to see if they cover the type of weight loss surgery you are considering. How do I find a qualified weight loss surgeon? When you do your initial research for a weight loss surgeon, you should first check to see how much experience he or she has performing the type of surgery that you want. Its a good idea to see how many of these surgeries this surgeon has performed. Most states require surgeons to provide potential patients with their surgical history, success rates, and other information. A good weight loss surgeon will establish a post-surgery follow-up plan for you, which can help you through the process and will monitor your progress. What should I do to prepare for weight loss surgery?This is one of the most common questions people ask when theyve made the decision to have weight loss surgery. Keep in mind that the preparation isnt limited to medical issues you also have to be ready to deal mentally with the life-altering changes that will happen to your body. What happens during the post-surgery phase? Clearly, your life will change drastically after weight loss surgery. For one thing, you will be eating far less, and you wont be as hungry as you used to be. And while dietary changes are an important post-surgery issue, there are other considerations, too. Learn as much as you can about the typical recovery process for the type of surgery you have chosen, so that you will know what you can expect. National Bariatric Link was created to help match you with the right Medical Weight Loss where ever you are located. It’s very simple! Fill out a quick form and be matched with a caring weight loss counselor for free! For more information please visit: Weight Loss SurgeryArticle Source: eArticlesOnline.com

Custom Lasik The Side Effect Free Eye Surgery

Custom LASIK – The Side Effect Free Eye Surgery by Philip C. ThomasThe field of medicine has seen a tremendous improvement today. LASIK eye surgery is one of the outcomes of that improvement resulted by the technological advancement in the medical field. LASIK stands for Laser assisted in situ Keratomileusis. One of the most preferred form of LASIK eye surgery is custom LASIK.Not every one is suitable to undergo the Custom procedure of LASIK eye surgery. Food and Drug Administration has stringent guidelines on who should be considered for this type of treatment. Only those who qualify these stipulations will be given custom LASIK treatment.Custom LASIK is not suitable to treat all forms of corneal aberrations, it can be used only to treat myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. It is one of the most expensive forms of eye surgery procedures. The type of procedure required to treat your eye will be decided by your ophthalmologist after a close examination of your eye condition.Custom LASIK is also called wavefront LASIK because of the wavefront tool it uses to diagnose the faults in the cornea. The wavefront tool is used to create a 3D image of the cornea. This 3D map will help the surgeon to decide the approach to LASIK eye surgery. One of the reasons why many people choose Custom LASIK is because it has very few post operative side effects.LASIK eye surgery is performed through a series of steps including the one week preparatory period. As one of the procedures, the patient who is to undergo this surgery is asked to stop using their contact lenses. As part of the preparation, the surgeon measures the thickness of the cornea and the patient is also given antibiotics to ensure that there is no post operative infection.The Custom LASIK procedure involves creation of a flap in the cornea as the first stage and as the second step, the inner layer of the cornea is resized based on the aberration. During the eye surgery, the patient remains conscious and will be administered with local anesthetic in the form of eye drops.After the remodeling of the inner corneal tissues the flap is placed in position. Custom LASIK does not use any additional material to hold the flap in place. The corneal tissue heals through natural means. Since LASIK eye surgery uses natural healing process, the side effects are very less.At the completion of the LASIK eye surgery the patient has to take all possible preventive measures so as to avoid any possible infections of the eye. Though Custom LASIK procedure has very little post operative risks, usual care is given like any other form of eye surgery. The patients are given special dark glasses after the Custom LASIK procedure to prevent the exposure to bright light that will hinder the healing process.Before you see to a salesperson at the surgery center get the unbiased facts about the risks and rewards of custom lasik. Look at these great resources on lasik eye surgery. Article Source: eArticlesOnline.com