Texas Commissioner of Agriculture visits schools to kick off National School Lunch Week

Saturday, October 16, 2010

US Texas Commissioner of Agriculture Todd Staples visited Orr Elementary school in Tyler, Texas on Wednesday to kick off National School Lunch week for the state. Commissioner Staples spoke to over 200 students during lunch about the importance of eating healthy. “During the old days, the Three R’s in school meant ‘Reading, ‘Writing and ‘Arithmetic’ […] but I want you students to remember the three E’s: Education, Exercise and Eating right,” he stated.

The Commissioner asked students a variety of questions about state trivia such as the names of the state bird, the state tree and the state fruit. Students who answered correctly were awarded prizes.

During a short press conference following, Commissioner Staples stated his concerns regarding the health of children in Texas: “Current indications are that over 30 percent of children in [the United States of] America are struggling with childhood obesity. Estimates indicate that this issue alone can cost this county one-billion dollars in healthcare costs per year in the future.” “I applaud the city of Tyler for taking the Fit City challenge,” the Commisioner further stated.

National School Lunch Week runs from October 11th–15th. President Barack Obama issued a presidential proclamation naming October 11th–15th the National School Lunch Week.

Avail Business Car Leasing Services To Minimise Your Expenditure}

Avail Business Car Leasing Services to Minimise Your Expenditure


Rob Porter

An entrepreneur to a self-employed professional everyone wishes to have their own cars. But, a businessman always calculates the expenses. But, do you know that leasing a car can actually optimize your cost on vehicle procurement? Cars are major component for your companies day to day success as it benefits you financially and professionally. A car leasing company is able to sort out your trouble regarding car management. Once you visit the website of a business car leasing, you get wide varieties of cars. Endless options may puzzle you, but, it will suit your needs and fulfill your purpose.

Top 5 Benefits of Leasing a Car:

Question may arise in your mind that why should you lease a car instead of buying one? Well, there are a good number of reasons to justify your leasing decision. Here you are listed with top five benefits of leasing a business car

Minimum Payment

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Who will be responsible for taxes?

The vehicles provided to you are checked thoroughly to avoid any kind of troubles. Service provider will supply the tax and MOT at the time of commencement of the lease agreement. They also ensure that your vehicle is taxed and MOTd for that particular time period.

Value for money

Unlike a loan, the lease will enjoy the credit worthiness while leasing a car. It is an off-balance sheet expense that helps you to mitigate your monthly expense for a car.

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The car leasing company lightens your immediate financial burden. They offer the customer with several maintenance plans while leasing the cars. The agreement often covers repairs and maintenance services on tyres, exhaust, brakes etc.

Easy car leasing rules

No matter you have a poor credit history or a great one! You are always welcomed to get a high-quality service from the team of experts.

However, it is the smartest way to acquiring many company cars. Maintenance to breakdown to resale we take care of all sorts of value-added services and let you avail a stress-free service. Furthermore, the lease always stays in benefit as lease comes at zero down payments. At the end of the agreement, you have the option to return your old car and lease a brand new one.

Simple steps to lease a car:

The process can be little daunting if you havent ever done it before. The steps go as follows

You are provided with ample of choices. Now, you have to choose your car maintaining the budget. You are also offered with a test drive.

Now, you can ask your service provider for the car you want. The company may ask you to submit a finance application to gain the approval for you.

Once the financial process is approved, you are allowed to take your car home.

Why should you hire a leading car leasing company?

A leading car leasing organization will always value your equipments. They believe in providing you with sharp work as well as maintain a warm relationship with the customers. The teams of professionals are eager to provide the clients with most efficient services. They strive to achieve smiles on your faces. The service provider stays responsible for general servicing of vehicles due to the speculated tenure. The loyal customers get to receive best deals from the company.

With years of expertise in the industry, the leading car leasing company is in a prime position to find the best car lease deals in UK. The clients are offered with endless options to choose from. It not only supports your budget, but also, lets you sort out your purpose. A loyal company wont stop until it satisfies your requirements.

Easyleasecars.co.uk is a business car leasing company in West Midlands. Here, the experts promise to deliver their excellent quality services anywhere in the UK. The company believes in maintaining a consumer-friendly relationship.

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Looted, possibly contaminated body parts transplanted into USA, Canadian patients

Monday, March 20, 2006

Fears of contaminated bone and skin grafts are being felt by unsuspecting patients following the revelation that funeral homes may have been looting corpses.

Janet Evans of Marion Ohio was told by her surgeon, “The bone grafts you got might have been contaminated”. She reacted with shock, “I was flabbergasted because I didn’t even know what he was talking about. I didn’t know I got a bone graft until I got this call. I just thought they put in screws and rods.”

The body of Alistair Cooke, the former host of “Masterpiece Theatre,” was supposedly looted along with more than 1,000 others, according to two law enforcement officials close to the case. The tissue taken was typically skin, bone and tendon, which was then sold for use in procedures such as dental implants and hip replacements. According to authorities, millions of dollars were made by selling the body parts to companies for use in operations done at hospitals and clinics in the United States and Canada.

A New Jersey company, Biomedical Tissue Services, has reportedly been taking body parts from funeral homes across Brooklyn, New York. According to ABC News, they set up rooms like a “surgical suite.” After they took the bones, they replaced them with PVC pipe. This was purportedly done by stealth, without approval of the deceased person or the next of kin. 1,077 bodies were involved, say prosecuters.

Investagators say a former dentist, Michael Mastromarino, is behind the operation. Biomedical was considered one of the “hottest procurement companies in the country,” raking in close to $5 million. Eventually, people became worried: “Can the donors be trusted?” A tissue processing company called LifeCell answered no, and issued a recall on all their tissue.

Cooke’s daughter, Susan Cooke Kittredge, said, “To know his bones were sold was one thing, but to see him standing truncated before me is another entirely.” Now thousands of people around the country are receiving letters warning that they should be tested for infectious diseases like HIV or hepatitis. On February 23, the Brooklyn District Attorney indicted Mastromarino and three others. They are charged with 122 felony counts, including forgery and bodysnatching.

Austrian police find dozens dead inside lorry

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Austrian police today found an estimated 20–50 decomposing corpses in an apparently abandoned lorry.

Roadworkers who spotted the vehicle, which had been there since yesterday at least, alerted police. Responding officers found it full of corpses. The lorry is on the so-called “Eastern Motorway”, the A4, close to the Hungarian border. It was on the hard shoulder between Neusiedl and Parndorf, closer to Parndorf.

The victims are thought to have suffocated. Police are seeking the driver. The Krone published an image of a non-articulated food lorry on the hard shoulder, which they report is the vehicle in question. The photo shows a pool of dark liquid on the ground beside the vehicle.

Video from a passing motorist shows at least one helicopter on-scene. The truck, which has pictures of meat on the side, shows branding for Slovakian food firm Hyza. Earlier today the company’s website sported an apparent anti-immigration graphic, which has since been removed.

Wikinews got in touch with Hyza. “We are truly sorry about [the] tragedy” they told us in a statement. They said they have checked GPS trackers on their fleet and all their vehicles remain in Slovakia. The statement says the lorry in question was one of 21 Hyza vehicles sold on last year. It was then sold again and exported to Hungary, where it is now registered. Hyza told us the new owners have not changed the branding on the vehicle. According to the Bild newspaper, Agrofert — the parent company of Hyza — said in a statement the new owners were required to do so.

Hyza says they will “actively cooperate with Slovak police”, and “express [their] sincere condolences to the bereaved families.”

Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner called it “a dark day” and called for European Union-wide measures to protect immigrant refugees and tackle human traffickers. Neighbouring Hungary is constructing a border fence across its entire frontier with Serbia. Yesterday alone saw a record 3,241 attempts to enter Hungary illegally, according to authorities there.

Conflict in Syria and other parts of the world has led refugees to Europe. Once inside, they can move freely inside the Schengen Area, which covers most of the EU.

Austrian police earlier this week arrested three motorists suspected of people smuggling. One driver is accused of moving 34 people, ten of them children, into Austria from Serbia. The group were left by the roadside near Bruck an der Leitha and reported struggling to breathe in the van.

The Benefits Of Working As A Security Guard}

The Benefits of working as a Security Guard


Public Relations DeptIf you are somebody in search to find information with regards to security guard services, then you might want to have a look over the following sections. Apart from pointing out some of the jobs that are associated with this specific type of profession, we shall also have a general look at how you can go about applying for them. Continue on below to find out more helpful details.When searching for security guard based jobs, there are a few things that you would first want to be mindful of. First off, it is important to decide whether you want to work in the corporate sector or perhaps the manual, or physical security industry. If you plan to choose the latter then you want to ensure that you are in good physical condition to be capable of handling the job at hand. In many cases, you may be required to stand on your own two feet for eight hours at a time. Obviously, you won’t be required to stand there for eight consecutive hours however, it can certainly be taxing on your legs and your knee joints. In spite of the fact that you are entitled to receive frequent breaks, the majority of the time that you are working will mostly involve you standing and overseeing everything that is taking place. At any rate, these types of jobs are taken extremely seriously by employees because of the impact they have towards the customers and also to protect the merchandise in the stores.But it is not just retail stores that these types of security guards are used in. There are various other settings like schools, medical facilities, banks, museums, colleges and universities and so forth. And speaking of universities, you may notice that the name of the police and security men are called Public Safety. The training for such jobs is tantamount to any other type of Government or city based security job but it is important to point out that the shifts may be longer. According to a number of colleges, it is not uncommon to see security guards work a 12 hour shift.When searching for Security Guard Services

, be sure to specify whether you want to work in the corporate or retail environment. There are a lot of security jobs that require you to review security monitors and surveillance cameras. You may also be required to track the history and in some instances record the type of behavior from a particular individual or suspect. At any rate, and in any sort of capacity, working as a security guard carries a great deal of guts, integrity, and honor. The feeling or notion that you are working to protect others is certainly one that warrants high praise. And what’s more is the retirement package and pension plans. Once you have completed your tenure- working as a security guard, your health benefits would still remain intact.


If you are looking for

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, then the author recommends Guardian Eagle Security.

Article Source:


Six teenagers die in car accident in Victoria, several others injured

Monday, February 27, 2006

Six teenagers were killed in a horrific road accident near Mildura in north-western Victoria, Australia late at night on February 18.

Cassandra Manners, aged 16, Stevie-Lee Weight, 15, Cory Dowling, 16, Shane Hirst, 16, and his sister, Abby Hirst, 17, died at the scene. Josephine Calvi, 16, was flown to the Royal Adelaide Hospital, where she later died of head injuries. Seven other teenagers were injured, including 15-year-old Marco Medici who is now in a stable but critical condition in The Alfred Hospital in Melbourne.

The accident occurred after the teenagers left a 16th birthday party and walked along Myall Road, Cardross, south-east of Mildura. A car allegedly came speeding around a bend, hit the gravel on the side of the road, lost control and struck the group. The alleged driver, later identified as 34-year-old Thomas Graham Towle, fled the scene on foot, leaving his 10-year-old daughter and four-year-old son in the car. Towle was later arrested by police in Redcliffs. He was taken to Mildura police station for questioning.

Towle has been charged with six charges of culpable driving causing death, four charges of negligently causing serious injury, one charge of failing to stop and one charge of failing to render assistance after an accident. Towle faced Mildura Magistrates’ Court on February 20. Magistrate John Dugdale remanded him into custody to reappear before the court on June 26.

Meanwhile, the town of Mildura and surrounding areas is in deep mourning. Premier Steve Bracks said the State Government will provide $AU40,000 for counselling and support services.

Around 3,000 people attended the funeral for Josephine Calvi today. Funeral services for the other five teenagers were held last week.

London court jails man after Dark Web ricin sting

Friday, September 18, 2015

Mr Justice Saunders today imprisoned a man for eight years at the Old Bailey in London after an FBI sting in which he tried to buy ricin on the Dark Web.

Everyone needs to know that the possession of a chemical weapon is extremely serious and long prison sentences will follow

Mohammed Ali, 31, from Liverpool, was convicted at trial of attempting to possess a chemical weapon. He told the jury he was “curious” about the Dark Web, which is a largely hidden and difficult to police section of the Internet. Ali said he didn’t realise he had done anything illegal.

Ali was prosecuted under the Chemical Weapons Act 1996 after sending an undercover agent a message reading “Hi, would you be able to make me some ricin and send it to the UK?” He bought 500mg, which has the potential to kill about 1,400, but was sent a dummy package. Counter-terror police in the UK liaised with the FBI.

The powder, which Ali paid for in BitCoin, was actually harmless. Hidden inside a toy car, the package was treated with markers and his face glowed under ultraviolet light, indicating he had handled it. The judge said today there was “real risk” involved.

Ali told his trial he had discovered drugs and guns for sale. Computer analysis showed he had looked up ricin and other poisons; he said he went for ricin simply because it had appeared in Breaking Bad. He also searched for small animals after being advised to test it on a rodent; a to-do list on his computer included “paid ricin guy” and “get pet to murder”.

Mr Justice Saunders said the case called for “a deterrent sentence”, which “will appear harsh to the defendant and his family.” “Everyone needs to know that the possession of a chemical weapon is extremely serious and long prison sentences will follow.”

Choosing The Right Type Of Deck Just For You

Choosing the Right Type of Deck Just for You by Cal GoldenSo you have decided to add beautiy and functionaloty to your home by adding a deck. Wonderful choice. With all of the different types and designs availble, having an understanding of them can make your decision alot easier.Ground-level DecksThis the most common form mof deck. As the name implies, these decks are built on the ground and are normally up to a height of four to five feet. Unless a pit is dug to hold the joists and supproting foundation, the lowest deck would be approximately one foot off the ground. If the wood lies directly on the ground without a supporting foundation, it is a patio.High-rise DecksHigh-rise decks are usually built in response to site conditions such as access to an upper-level doorway or the desire to catch a certain view of the surrounding area. These decks superior structures when exposure to the sun and breeze are important. The height of this type of deck makes necessary the proper sizing of the supporting columns and bracing, which is an extremely important facor for stability and safety.Mulitlevel DecksA multilevel deck offers a unique response to the solution of many problems at the same time. It can allow for varied usage based on the criteria for sun/shade, privacy, and breeze. When used for a party or other entertainment, a multilevel deck will let more intimate groupings of people to gather and form.This type of deck is often extremely attractive and enhances the apperance of a home significantly.Load-bearing DecksAs the name imples, a load-bearing deck must support an unusual amount of weight. In other words, more than the normal backyard variety deck. These structures are normally built to solve such problems as how to house a motor vehicle in a carport built over a hillside. When the cost of excavation to level an area is prohibitive, this type of deck might be the only economical solution to the problem. The materials used in this deck and suppporting columns and foundations are substantially stronger than the average backyard deck. It is advisable to seek the advice of a professional if this is the kind of deck you need to construct.Rooftop DecksIf your yard condition is crowded, a rooftop deck might be the one for you. Many houses are built with the upper windows that could be converted into doors. Perhaps you have an attic that could be transformed into a family room. A rooftop deck is a natural extention for this type of environment.This type of deck plays on the house’s existing foundation. Stability concerns are usually not a major factor in building this deck.Roofs can be either flat or sloped. It is easier to construct a deck on a nearly level roof. A sloped deck requires additional supports to achieve a level condition, whereas a nearly level roof deck can be leveled with simple blocking.A prime concern in building a rooftop deck is avoiding damage to the roof and not impeding the run-off of water when it rains. For sloped roofs, your deck structure will make it impossible to replace the roof in years to come. It is avisable to replace the roof before adding the deck. Be certain that the supports or fasteners for your deck do not pierce nor wear away the roofing to cause leaks.For more tips on wood deck plans please visit Deck Designs where you will find information on composite decks, deck awnings, deck benches, and deck contractors.Article Source: eArticlesOnline.com

Canterbury farmers to get aid because of snow

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The New Zealand government officials have announced that it will give NZ$160,000 in aid to help farmers who were affected by the huge amounts of snow in Canterbury, New Zealand two weeks ago.

The aid package will provide four regional offices for co-ordination, food supplies and ongoing support.

The Federated Farmers for mid Canterbury say that the aid will be a start to what looks like a tough winter. President of the mid Canterbury Federated Farmers Rupert Curd says, “It is too early to say exactly how much help the relief package will provide.”

The snow has not yet reached a crisis point.

The Insurance Council has estimated the cost of the snow storm has reached $35 million so far. Chief Executive of the Insurance Council says, “There has been damage to homes, commercial premises both on farms and in town and vehicles. Businesspeople who have been without power are also claiming for loss of income.”

The Minister of Agriculture Jim Anderton has said that they are not ruling out giving further aid.

Wikipedia founder embroiled in affair and financial allegations

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.

The implosion of a relationship between Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales and journalist Rachel Marsden has resulted in controversy and international headlines. Associated Press and ABC News have also reported on questionable activity by Wales involving Wikimedia Foundation expenses. The Wikimedia Foundation is a donor-supported non-profit organization which runs Wikipedia.

Marsden had contacted Wales two years ago about concerns she had over the article about her on Wikipedia, and Wales determined the article was not compliant with Wikipedia’s standards. The tech blog Valleywag revealed Wales had a personal relationship with Marsden, and posted supposed transcripts of their instant message conversations on its site, www.valleywag.com. Wales and Marsden met in February, and The Times reported that “An apparent transcript of their conversations before that meeting suggests that, although Mr Wales had withdrawn from the editing process, he was still influencing the editors.” The Times quoted Wales from the chat logs as having stated to Marsden “The truth is of course a much worse conflict of interest than that; but that will do.” — in reference to his conflict of interest regarding Marsden’s article on Wikipedia.

Wales posted a public statement on Saturday on Wikipedia addressing the matter, and stated that his relationship with Marsden was over: “First, while I find it hard to imagine that anyone really cares about my sex life, the facts are: I am separated from my wife. I considered myself single at the time of my one meeting with Rachel Marsden on Feb. 9, 2008 … I am no longer involved with Rachel Marsden. Gossipy stories suggesting that I have been in a relationship with her ‘since last fall’ are completely false … I care deeply about the integrity of Wikipedia, and take very seriously my responsibilities as a member of the board and as a member of the Wikipedia community. I would never knowingly do anything to compromise that trust.” With regard to the conflict of interest in Marsden’s article, Wales had acknowledged to a team of Wikipedia editors in February 2008 that he and Marsden “became friends … and that we would be meeting about that,” and stated “I recused myself from any further official action with respect to her biography.”

On Sunday, The Canadian Press reported that Marsden had posted photos of herself on Ebay, and was selling items that Wales had left at her New York City apartment. In her Ebay posting, Marsden stated: “Hi, my name is Rachel and my (now ex-) boyfriend, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, just broke up with me via an announcement on Wikipedia … It was such a classy move that I was inspired to do something equally classy myself, so I’m selling a couple of items of clothing he left behind, here in my NYC apartment, on eBay. Jimbo was supposed to come visit me in a couple of weeks and pick up some of his stuff, but obviously that won’t be happening now.” Marsden told The Canadian Press “It didn’t really help matters that Jimmy chose to announce the breakup to the entire world via Wikipedia (which apparently now is an online encyclopedia that doubles as a personal soapbox?) rather than to me directly (which he did much later, in an instant message discussion).”

I care deeply about the integrity of Wikipedia, and take very seriously my responsibilities as a member of the board and as a member of the Wikipedia community. I would never knowingly do anything to compromise that trust.

Marsden placed a t-shirt and sweater which she said were left at her apartment by Wales up on Ebay, and started the bidding for each at ninety-nine cents, with the auctions set to end on March 12. By Monday, bidding on the t-shirt had reached US$300, and by Tuesday the highest bid had reached $12,200. In an email to The Globe and Mail, Marsden stated “My only focus right now, to be really honest, is on my career and finding a way to get back into print, TV, or radio here in NYC,” she wrote. “All of this other personal stuff is just an unfortunate distraction.”

Jay Walsh, the Wikimedia Foundation’s head of communications, told the San Jose Mercury News that Wales’ actions in relaying Marsden’s concerns about her Wikipedia article to a team of trusted editors was within his “routine” role. When asked by the San Jose Mercury News if Wales’ actions regarding the Marsden article could compromise his role with the Wikimedia Foundation and Wikipedia, Walsh responded “No, absolutely not.”

On Tuesday, ABC News carried a story by Wired News reporter Megan McCarthy regarding allegations of “excessive spending” by Wales, and Associated Press also reported on questions involving Wikimedia Foundation expenses. McCarthy reported that former Wikimedia executive Danny Wool, who had left the foundation last year, criticized Wales’ use of Wikimedia Foundation expenses in a blog post. Wool stated that Wales had tried to expense $300 bottles of wine, a $1,300 dinner for four at a Florida steakhouse, and visits to Moscow massage parlors to the foundation, and that the foundation rescinded Wales’ corporate credit card in 2006. Wool also stated that Wales paid the foundation $7,000, after being short $30,000 on receipts for expenses.

Wool told EPICENTER that “There were occasions where he used [the Wikimedia Foundation] for personal advancement under the guide [sic] of the mission. And, as someone who was in there for the mission part of it, I found that rather distressful.” Wool commented in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle: “Originally, it was carelessness … But as things developed, it became more apparent and obvious that he was taking advantage of the foundation credit card. It was almost like his personal piggy bank.”

Jimmy has never used Wikimedia money to subsidize his personal expenditures. Indeed, he has consistently put the foundation’s interests ahead of his own.

In an instant message exchange with Associated Press, Wales denied that the Wikimedia Foundation had taken away his corporate credit card, and asserted that he had made the decision to stop expensing business travel for the foundation. Wales highlighted a statement by the foundation’s executive director Sue Gardner: “Jimmy has never used Wikimedia money to subsidize his personal expenditures. Indeed, he has consistently put the foundation’s interests ahead of his own.” In an email to Associated Press, Brad Patrick, a former attorney for the Wikimedia Foundation, stated “Danny seems interested in blogging his way straight to a lawsuit”.

Florence Devouard, who chairs the Wikimedia Foundation, told Associated Press that Wales had been “slow in submitting receipts,” and that the foundation had rejected Wales’ expense at the Florida steakhouse. Devouard told fellow foundation board members in a private email that she had convinced Associated Press that “the money story was a no story,” and told Wales “I find (it) tiring to see how you are constantly trying to rewrite the past. Get a grip!” Wales told Associated Press: “The board, the current executive director, the previous executive director, and independent auditors have reviewed our books and publicly agree that all of my expenses were appropriate and fully accounted for.”

Media reports speculated on how the controversy would end up being represented in Wikipedia itself. On Wednesday, the St. Petersburg Times wrote: “Wales’ Wikipedia page said only this about Marsden: ‘Wales had a brief relationship with Canadian journalist Rachel Marsden.'” An article in The Australian surmised: “History will decide whether Mr Wales broke his own principles, but before that happens there may well be a Wikipedia page devoted to the controversy.”