Common Mistakes Black Women Make When Caring For Their Hair}

Submitted by: Danielle McLoughlin

It is common knowledge by now that Black women tend to spend a lot of money on their hair. Money is spent on everything from shampoos, conditioners, pomades, hair tonics, and treatments to hair extensions, wigs and hair pieces. Every month, new glossy adverts are published with the latest miracle product that promises to solve one of your hair woes or the other. Be it restoring your hair line to its original glory, or growing your hair to lengths youd never dreamt possible, each new product promises wonders.

Ive often noticed that whenever there is a buzz word in the hair care industry, new products quickly appear on the market with the buzz word splattered across its labels and advertising campaigns. For example, argan oil has become popular recently for its moisturising and conditioning effects on hair. As a result a plethora of new products have appeared clearly highlighting the fact they have argan oil in them. It is easy to get carried away by the many benefits these products claim to have and start using too many of them at once.

Black women, who are always on the look out for hair products that will make their hair easier to style tend to fall into this trap time and time again. Below Ive laid out the common mistakes Black women make when caring for their hair which leads them to spend excessively on hair care products.


1.Receeding hair lines are usually a result of traction alopecia, so addressing the cause of traction alopecia itself will produce quicker results than applying some miracle growth product while wearing tight braids or weaves. It would be like taking a headache tablet because youve banged your head against a wall, then continuing to bang your head against the wall after youve taken the tablet and expect it to work. It wont. Stop the cause of hair pulling that is causing your traction alopecia before you begin treating it.

2.Miracle lotions and potions to treat bald patches or receeding hair lines are a waste of time. If youve suffered from traction alopecia for a long time because of weaves, braids and hair pieces, first take a break from the extensions, then use a proper hair growth treatment like Rogaine or Regaine in Europe on the affected areas for guaranteed results. Minoxidil has been proven to treat hair loss for years so why not use it? Women often fear theyll grow a beard or facial hair, but they neednt be worried as first of all any facial hair grown isnt noticeable, can be waxed off and is only temporary.

3.The scalp doesnt not need the quantities of oil or grease that is often used to moisturise it. African American hair is naturally dry and doesnt reflect light like Caucasian hair does, so Black women tend to use oils and grease to make it shine. The hair industry loves producing these useless pomades and creams every year that claim to encourage hair growth when applied to the scalp regularly. These greases and creams only serve to clog the follicles because black women dont tend not to wash their hair regularly because of how dry it is naturally. If you must, use an oil like virgin coconut oil not more than once a week as it actually gets absorbed by the scalp instead of just sitting on the scalp. Note that dandruff is not caused by a dry scalp but rather by bacteria, so if you suffer from dandruff, find a suitable medicated treatment for it like Nizoral shampoo.

Now with this new found knowledge, take a look in your bathroom cupboard and notice how many of your hair care products you don’t really need anymore.

About the Author: Danielle is the author of a site that deals with the

causes of traction alopecia

and ways to treat traction alopecia using carefully picked hair loss products. Find

traction alopecia treatment reviews

and more information on how to prevent the condition from recurring.


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3 Conditions That Call For You To Oil Your Scalp

Submitted by: Danica Reynes

If you style your hair everyday, have under-active sebaceous glands, or dandruff, it is a good idea to use essential oil.

It’s true that hair can be your best feature, but in order for it to show you off well, you need to treat it and your scalp right. You can care for your scalp the natural way. Natural ingredients like essential oils are used to create the product that nurtures your skin the most. If you want your scalp and hair to be as healthy and beautiful as possible, consider using essential oils, such as Moroccan argan hair oil. This and a lot of other natural oils have inherent properties and vitamins that help nourish the scalp and promote its health. It is important that you know what your scalp s condition is so you can decide whether or not you need to apply oil on it and what kind you need to look for. Here are some tips you need to keep in mind while you decide whether or not you need to oil your scalp.

Your hair is stripped of essential nutrients and moisture when you constantly style your hair with hair coloring products and strong shampoos. Unhealthy hair practices, like over-shampooing, over-washing and under-conditioning, make the scalp unhealthy and cause hair to look dull. You may need to treat your scalp with some moisturizing and nourishment, especially if you style your hair regularly with various commercial hair treatment products. To stimulate the scalp and help it create more of its natural oils, massage it and use the proper essential oil. Moroccan oil – or Argan oil – is renowned for providing moisture for your scalp. Nourish your scalp with a natural oil rich in vitamins and antioxidants.


Dry scalp with under-active sebaceous glands

Dry scalps are usually the symptoms of sebaceous glands that are not producing enough oil. Stimulating scalp oil is done by applying oils from lemon, tea trees, myrrh, coconut, or olive oil. When you oil your scalp with these oils, the pores get activated and produce more lubricant of their own. If you enjoy spending time outside you may want to try Camellia oil. Scalp dryness can be exacerbated by exposure to the sun, however, camellia oil, with rich stores of vitamin E, also contains properties of a natural sunscreen.

Scalps affected by dandruff There are many different things that can cause dandruff. Selecting the kind of essential oil that’s appropriate for your head is dependent upon the cause of your dilemma with dandruff. Dandruff may be caused by a yeast-like fungus found on the scalp that thrives on the natural oils found in it. Tea tree oil is ideal for cases like this. A dry, flaky scalp can cause dandruff, as well. To combat this, you can try the essential oils from sandalwood, myrrh or chamomile.

Take good care of your health and looks with essential oils. You need to know what oil will work for you. For more information on the benefits of natural oils for the scalp and how you can treat your hair and scalp with.

About the Author: For more information on the benefits of natural oils for the scalp and how you can treat your hair and scalp with

Moroccan argan hair oil

, check out Argan Oil Shop online at


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Hati Hati Angka Kecelakaan Sidoarjo Tertinggi Di Jawa Timur

Submitted by: Sidoarjo Pos

Sidoarjo – Hati – hati jumlah kecelakaan lalu lintas di Kabupaten Sidoarjo menduduki peringkat pertama di Jawa Timur sepanjang triwulan pertama 2013. Menurut analisis dari data hasil Anev (Analisis dan Evaluasi) di Polda Jatim yang di wanwancarai redaksi surya disebutkan, pada tiga bulan pertama 2013 terjadi 319 kasus kecelakaan lalu lintas di Sidoarjo. Disusul wilayah Kabupaten Kediri dengan 286 persitiwa kecelakaan, dan wilayah Polres Jombang sebanyak 276 kecelakaan.Namun, untuk jumlah korban tewas tertinggi terjadi di wilayah Gresik.Kecelakaan di sebabkan banyak pengendaraa kendaraan bermotor yang mengendari melebihi kecepatan di atas rata-rata.

Secara keseluruhan, dari 36 wilayah Polres se-Jawa Timur, selama triwulan pertama 2013 terjadi 5.423 kecelakaan lalu lintas dengan jumlah korban tewas sebanyak 986, luka berat 725 korban, dan korban luka ringan sebanyak 7.084. Sementara kerugian materiil yang diakibatkan mencapai Rp 6,9 miliar. Jumlah itu mengalami penurunan jika dibanding triwulan pertama tahun 2012 yang mencapai 5.810 persitiwa kecelakaan dengan jumlah korban tewas sebanyak 1.347, korban luka berat 852 orang, luka ringan 7.007, serta kerugian materiil sebanyak Rp 7,4 miliar. Kendaraan yang terlibat kecelakaan, paling banyak adalah sepeda motor. Triwulan pertama 2012 ada 7.351 dan di tahun 2013 ada 7.59 kendaraan. Sedangkan korbannya, paling banyak adalah karyawan swasta mencapai 3.501 di tahun 2012 dan 3.404 pada 2013. Sementara usia korban terbanyak antara 16-30 tahun, pada 2012 ada 3.028 dan di 2013 sebanyak 3.060 orang, imbuh Hilman Thayib. Berita ini merupakan berita duka bagi warga sidoarjo.Banyaknya anak anak SMP,SMA bahkan Sekolah Dasar yang belum mempunyai Surat Ijin Mengemudi (SIM) di biarkan oleh orang tua mereka untuk berkendara di jalan raya bahkan tanpa memakai helm yang berstandar.Jika warga Sidoarjo memahami pentingya berkendara secara aman,maka tingkat angka kecelakaan di sidoarjo akan semakin menurun. Hasil X Factor Indonesia 3 Mei 2013 – Penampilan peserta x factor Indonesia tanggal 10 mei 2013 di RCTI sangat memukau para juri dan penonton yang menyaksikan , dari hasil pengumuman kemarin ternyata sudah di tetapkan bahwa gala show tanggal 10 mei 2013 tidak akan mengeluarkan salah satu peserta x fator pada malam itu.


Sebelum Host hasil x factor Indonesia di bacakan, Host meminta kepad Ahmad Dhani ,Bebi Romeo,rosa dan anggun untuk siapa yang keluar di antara ketiga peserta tersebut.apakah fatin shidqia,new demension atau novita dewi

waktu pengumuman x factor sudah tiba,polling sms terendah pada malam 10 mei 2013 di umumkan. namun hasil telah menetapkan bahwa tidak ada yang keluar pada malam itu

(Sidoarjo)Delta Fishing merupakan salah satu tempat wisata yang patut di kunjungi jika anda berkunjung di sidoarjo. Disini banyak sekali fasilitas yang di berikan kepada anda namun dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau.Jika anda berkunjung di delta fishing anda akan di manjakan dengan warung lesehan warung prasmanan, kolam pemancingan, outbound, fishingedutainment, dengan luas sekitar 2Ha. Terletak di Desa Prasung Kec. Buduran Kab. Sidoarjo. Delta Fishing buka setiap hari Senin-Jumat pukul 08:00 17:00 dan Sabtu-Minggu pukul 08:00 18:30. Tiket masuk untuk Delta Fishing juga sangat murah, untuk hari Senin-Jumat, Rp 2000 untuk hari Sabtu, dan Rp 3.000 untuk hari Minggu/libur. Di area pemancingan yang teduh yang di kelilingi dengan pohon pohon yang rindang membuat pengunjung betah untuk berlama lama mebikmati fasiitas di delta fishing . Apabila pengunjung tidak membawa alat pancing ataupun perbekalan pancing sendiri, Delta Fishing juga menyediakan. Untuk menyewa alat pancing sederhana, pengunjung cukup membayar Rp 1000 dan untuk pelet nya juga Rp 1000,tentu biaya yang sangat murah kan. Dan jika anda tidak suka menggunakan pelet,di sini anda dapat membeli cacing dan jangkrik.

Sambil memancing, pengunjung juga dapat memesan makanan dan minuman.Tidak hanya itu anda dapat bermain outbond,perahu bebek dan jika anda menikmati mendayung perahu sendiri,di sana juga terdapat peahu mini yang dapat anda sewa . Harga yang cukup murah kan ?.Jangan berpikir panjang lagi,ayo segera berkunjung di delta fishing sidoarjo.

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